#MyOAarticle on the 🧬 basis of heat stress in surface vs. subterranean diving #beetles has been downloaded >1,000 times! ⬇️🕳️🪲 turn on fewer genes, suggesting a less robust response ➡️ potentially higher stress in response to #climatechange. 🤿🪲 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-20229-0
#myoaarticle #beetles #climatechange
Fantastic disguise (mimicry).
"The new beetle species (Austrospirachtha carrijoi)—found beneath the soil in Australia’s Northern Territory—emulates a termite by enlarging its abdomen, a phenomenon known as physogastry. Evolution has reshaped this body part into a highly realistic replica of a termite (as seen above), head and all, which rides on top of the rest of the beetle’s body."
#Australia #Beetles #Termites #Evolution #Mimicry #Nature #Biology
#australia #beetles #termites #evolution #mimicry #nature #biology
Der knapp 3 mm kleine Brennnesselrüssler (Nedyus quadrimaculatus) beim Hofknicks. Wenn man mal Sehnsucht nach #Rüsselkäfer|n bekommt braucht man nur Brennnesseln abzuklopfen und voilà!
#artenvielfalt #insekten #beetles #beetle #Coleoptera #insects #Käfer #Curculionidae #natur
#russelkafer #Artenvielfalt #insekten #beetles #beetle #coleoptera #insects #kafer #Curculionidae #natur
New on my #blog: https://aspi.blog/2023/09/03/county-championship-action-resumes/
#cricket #CountyChampionship #Autism #WestNorfolkAutismGroup #MakeYourOwnPizza #PizzaExpress #photography #birds #insects #beetles #butterflies
A look at the resumption of the county championship, an account of a West Norfolk Autism Group activity and a photo gallery.
#butterflies #beetles #insects #birds #photography #pizzaexpress #makeyourownpizza #westnorfolkautismgroup #autism #countychampionship #cricket #blog
Found these false ladybirds today in wood on outskirts of Norwich today. #beetles #insectsofmastodon #InsectSaturday #InsectsOfTheFediverse #ladybirds
#ladybirds #InsectsOfTheFediverse #insectsaturday #insectsofmastodon #beetles
ein frühlingsmistkäfer im herbst. (Trypocopris vernalis)
zur abwechslung mal überhaupt nicht blau oder grün schillernd.
#krabbeltierchen #beetles #insects
Glipa malaccana, a Tumbling Flower Beetle, spotted at Dairy Farm Nature Park, Singapore, on 1 Sept 2023. A small beetle, I usually find it difficult to approach to get close-up shots. But not this time.
This family of beetles get its name from the irregular motion it makes to escape predators, aided by their pointy abdominal tip.
On iNaturalist [ https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/181172341 ]
#iNaturalist #Nature #Singapore #Photography #Insects #Beetles #Coleoptera
#inaturalist #nature #singapore #photography #insects #beetles #coleoptera
New beetle from Madagascar just crawled in:
Xylodes korinae
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/F6728794-FFA4-FF9D-FF59-FA63FC067484
Publication: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5330.1.4
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #madagascar
#NewSpecies #zootaxa #fairdata #science #oa #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #madagascar
New jewel beetle from the China just twinkled:
Coomaniella sunfengyii
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/A261879D-FF94-3E7B-1CB5-FCF46822F95C
Publication: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5318.2.7
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #china
#NewSpecies #zootaxa #fairdata #science #oa #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #china
New on my #blog: https://aspi.blog/2023/08/30/the-one-day-cup-semi-finals/
#cricket #CricketMastodon #OneDayCup #Photography #Birds #Insects #Bees #Beetles #Butterflies
A look at the semi-finals of the One Day Cup which happened yesterday, and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #beetles #bees #insects #birds #photography #onedaycup #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
A little bit of everything today. A green frog, a green heron, a fawn that still has its spots and mating soldier beetles. Just another day at the pond. Details in ALT. #birds #birding #birdphotography #frog #fawn #deer #beetles #insects #nature #naturephotography #hoosiermast
#birds #birding #birdphotography #frog #fawn #deer #beetles #insects #nature #naturephotography #HoosierMast
A beautiful black beetle.
#beetle #beetles #coleoptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#beetle #beetles #coleoptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#Alpenbock, lat. Rosalia alpina, eine der bekanntesten Käferarten. Bei uns trotz des Schutzes seit 1936 kaum noch zu finden, so in Bayern auf der Roten Liste in der Kategorie "2 stark gefährdet" geführt. Auf der schwäbischen Alb gibt es noch vereinzelte Vorkommen. Europaweit nach FFH-Richtlinie geschützt.
Fotografiert am Qafa e Valbonës in Albanien.
#alpenbock #Artenschutz #artenkenntnis #beetles
#Carabid #beetles only eat what (#allometrically) fits: Food plant choice of carabids is driven by body mass to seed size ratio, new study of Ali & Willenborg finds. Read more here: @gfoe https://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2023.05.007
#carabid #beetles #allometrically
Eurasian bee beetle (Trichius fasciatus), City park in Sweden, July 2023 #nature #naturephotography #beetles #insects
#insects #beetles #naturephotography #nature
New on my #blog: https://aspi.blog/2023/08/18/england-womens-squads-for-upcoming-series-against-sri-lanka/
#cricket #CricketMastodon #WomensCricket #Photography #Birds #Swans #Cormorants #Insects #Bees #Beetles #Butterflies
Some brief thoughts on the England women's squads for the upcoming series against Sri Lanka and a large photo gallery.
#butterflies #beetles #bees #insects #cormorants #swans #birds #photography #Womenscricket #cricketmastodon #cricket #blog
New longhorn beetle from Ecuador just crept in:
Parabaryssinus katerinae
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/039087AB-FFA1-CA10-F0B2-85AE2155FEDC
Publication: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8222232
#science #OA #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #ecuador
#NewSpecies #InsectaMundi #fairdata #science #oa #openaccess #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #invertebrates #entomology #insects #coleoptera #beetles #bugs #ecuador
A handsome black beetle.
#beetle #beetles #coleoptera #insects #arthropods #photography
#beetle #beetles #coleoptera #insects #arthropods #photography
Arthropod Photo of the Week: August 16, 2023
Tiger beetle
Cicindela hybrida
Coleoptera: Carabidae
By Serena Magagnoli, Bologna, Italy (https://www.faunaminore.it)
#entomology #insects #photography #beetles
#arthropodpotw #entomology #insects #photography #beetles