#wmdlegion from WMD can do so much more, butI just love ❤️ the supersaw sounds.
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
#wmdlegion #modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
I got a bigger table plate for my synths corner and a proper book shelf.
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly #superbooth #superbooth23
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly #superbooth #superbooth23
I reconfigured my #droidcvprocessor patch to integrate the S10 controller (10 switches, in the left corner) from „Der Mann mit der Maschine“. Seems to work quite well.
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #wmdevices #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
#droidcvprocessor #modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #wmdevices #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
I reconfigured my #droidcvprocessor patch to integrate the S10 controller (10 switches, in the left corner) from „Der Mann mit der Maschine“. Seems to work quite well.
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #wmdevices #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
#droidcvprocessor #modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #wmdevices #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
I modified my bass voice by adding a second slightly detuned OSC and changed the filter to a Doepfer A-120 VCF1. This was the start of this jam:
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists
I don’t find time to make longer videos at the moment, so it’s just this short loop.
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
#modularsynth #modular #modularsynthesizer #eurorack #eurorackmodular #euroracksynth #euroracksynthesizer #synth #ericasynthspico #vpmeqd #vpme #eurorackdiy #befaco #doepfermodular #happynerding #happynerdingfxaid #arturiakeystep37 #dermannmitdermaschine #thissynthkillsfascists #2manysynths #blackpanelsonly
Mein nächstes Projekt für das #befaco #lich #eurorack Modul ist begonnen. Es handelt sich um einen Melodie-Generator, welcher anhand des Quintenzirkels Akkordfolgen produziert, temporär speichert und diese dann bei entsprechenden Triggersignalen durchfährt. Hier mal ein vorläufiges datasheet
Mein Letzter Beitrag zum #jamuary2023, mit #Chalumeau und #eurorack. Im Hintergrund läuft ein selbstgenerierender Patch, den ich letzte Woche für den #Befaco #Lich programmiert habe. Volle Entspannung!
#jamuary2023 #chalumeau #eurorack #befaco #lich
Got into cataloging the box I have for synth parts. Found this buried on the bottom. Totally forgot abt buying the panel & pcb kit, must’ve had it stashed away at least for good 3 to 4 years!
Totally need to build the module, not even missing that many parts. Funny that I forgot abt it 😀
Next step is a smoke test. After some sleep methinks #Eurorack #MagicSmokeWrangling #Befaco
#eurorack #magicsmokewrangling #befaco