Abigail Breslin #beforeafter #antesidespues #antesedepois #nostalgic #nostalgia #nostalgie #nostalji https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1685566/global-beauties/
#beforeafter #antesidespues #antesedepois #nostalgic #nostalgia #nostalgie #nostalji #アビゲイル・ブレスリン
New doo, who dis?
#BeforeAfter #DogsofMastodon #MarioTheYorkie
#beforeafter #dogsofmastodon #mariotheyorkie
You may recall this smallish, sad and dehydrated #grevillea from yesterday. It hasn’t rained (sufficiently) for the past fortnight, so many reserve flora are starting to feel the pinch.
As suggested by @gr8nanjan (thx Nan Jan!!) I drove past midday today and poured around 1.2 litres at the base of this plant (was 32 degrees c, 90F, sun high in the sky) and revisited it around 6pm after work.
The first 2 shots are from midday… the bottom 2 pics are from 6pm.
Amazing what a small amount of water can do to help these #Australian #natives bounce back.
The flowers look more abundant, for mine, and back to some semblance of hydration normality.
It was around mid 33 degrees (92F) the time of these evening pics, sun was lower in the sky. Around 2 hours from sunset.
Was it due to less intensity of sunlight and the plant had recovered by redistributing moisture from its leaves (later in the day)… or was it due to the relative meagrely amount of water it received?
Uncertain (I’m not a botanist!), but was an intriguing exercise!
Any thoughts or botanist expertise welcomed!
Gave it another 1.2 litres of water just for good measure!
#urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #FebruaryFun #gardeningAU #gardening #narrm #victoria #Australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
#grevillea #australian #natives #beforeafter #urbanflora #flora #gardening #garden #melbourne #aesthetichedonist #februaryfun #gardeningau #narrm #victoria #australia #godmustbeabotanist #makesmehappy
How… convenient
RT @RoykoForChicago
#beforeafter My staff & I have been hard at work with reports for cleanings and repairs across the #1stWard, and it’s working. Here is a great example of the graffiti removal team this morning on Milwaukee Ave. As Alderman, I will prioritize keeping our communities clean and safe
Pitäisi joskus malttaa kaivaa google esiin ennen kuin kuvaa, niin voisi hakea mahdollisimman vastaavan ennen-kuvan.
Though these pics are a month apart, two days ago the #NisquallyRiver near #ElbeWA looked like the first photo. #BeforeAfter #PNWonderland #pnwftw
#nisquallyriver #elbewa #beforeafter #pnwonderland #pnwftw
BTW, that's not *THIS* year's #Santa, no kids need panic.
Starting around #Movember, when folks wear facial hair in support of Prostate Cancer, I stop shaving.
(Mostly because I can't stand cold on my face all winter)
By March, the joke is over, and I cut that mangy beard off.
(I discovered blackflies can hide in a beard for 24 hours.)
Not sure about sideburns, come March.. I'll have to see the temp.
#Selfies #Selfie #BeforeAfter
#Santa #movember #selfies #selfie #beforeafter #wouldyoubuyausedcarfromthisman
Repainted another old illustration from 2018.
Inspired by the recent snowy days here in Sweden. Sadly most of it has already melted away but I did enjoy it while it lasted.. For now :)
#CreativeToots #MastoArt #Fox #Lynx #Winter #Environment #beforeafter
#beforeafter #environment #winter #lynx #fox #MastoArt #CreativeToots