#Benefits of #eatingdinner #beforesunset
1. Food will digest faster
2. Body gets more time to recover from muscle soreness
3. Body gets time to recover from cell damage
4. Undisturbed sleep
5. Helps regulate blood sugar levels
#beforesunset #eatingdinner #benefits
Finalmente posso dizer q assisti a trilogia Before: #AntesDoAmanhecer (#BeforeSunrise) #AntesDoPorDoSol (#BeforeSunset) #AntesDaMeiaNoite #BeforeMidnight)! Os 3 têm diálogos interessantes e mostram um romance muito real, mas o q + me prendeu foi o 1° por ser o + inusitado.
#antesdoamanhecer #beforesunrise #antesdopordosol #beforesunset #antesdameianoite #beforemidnight
朝食後にBefore Sunsetを見た
My favorite #movies from the 00's (in order of preference)
#BrokebackMountain #MoulinRouge #mulhollanddrive #thereturnoftheking #beforesunset #eternalsunshineofthespotlessmind #therewillbeblood #thehours #brightstar #thetripletsofbelleville
#movies #thetripletsofbelleville #BrightStar #thehours #ThereWillBeBlood #eternalsunshineofthespotlessmind #beforesunset #thereturnoftheking #mulhollanddrive #MoulinRouge #BrokebackMountain
julie, julie, julie...such a formidable original. whenever she makes an appearance, i can't help but grin. from '2 days in paris' to her recent series, 'on the verge' (in which starred, but which she also entirely created), julie's utterly fierce. her heart bursts through everything she does & i love that. now, sob (& laugh) along with me to 'a waltz for a night'.
#beforeSunset #cinema #francaise #musique #music
#Music #musique #francaise #cinema #beforesunset
julie, julie, julie...such a formidable original. whenever she makes an appearance, i can't help but grin. from '2 days in paris' to her recent series, 'on the verge' (in which she starred, but which she also entirely created), julie's utterly fierce. her heart bursts through everything she does & i love that. now, sob (& laugh) along with me to 'a waltz for a night'.
#beforeSunset #cinema #francaise #musique #music
#Music #musique #francaise #cinema #beforesunset
Last year I started doing these studies of shots from films I love starting with this one — #beforesunset.
#procreate #DigitalArt #beforesunset