The Straight Key Diary is on 85/100, thanks to SM7UDT, DL5MCQ, SM4INV, G0LLX & YO2ADQ (81-85). May go /P in the next couple of days, to see if I can get some of our friends across the pond in the diary. More info on my page.
#cw #morsecode #hamradio #begalikeys
#begalikeys #hamradio #morsecode #cw
Had early shift today, 3am getup and 04:15 start:
The straight key diary continues, number 80 in the log.
G4IVV SK Diary No.79, DL4SEW SK Diary No.80
SK Diary = Straight Key, Diary = Diary
#cw #morsecode #yaesu #ft991a #begali #begalikeys
#begalikeys #begali #FT991A #yaesu #morsecode #cw
@N1ZZZ #begalikeys I primarily use an HST in the field and an Intrepid in the shack. I like a key that stays put. I have a Traveller that gets used occasionally, but I have always been lousy at sending iambic.