Gdawg · @gligongdaxue
137 followers · 627 posts · Server

Well this album turns 30 this year and what a masterpiece from the Rev:

#beggarsbanquet #music #mercuryrev #rock #indie

Last updated 2 years ago

nojarama · @nojarama
62 followers · 554 posts · Server

Happy anniversary to Tones On Tail’s album, ‘Pop’. Released this week in 1984.

#tonesontail #pop #danielash #kevinhaskins #glencampling #beggarsbanquet #performance #lions

Last updated 2 years ago

nojarama · @nojarama
59 followers · 451 posts · Server
bananabob · @bananabob
42 followers · 688 posts · Server

The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet

Released on 6 December 1968. The first Rolling Stones album produced by Jimmy Miller, whose production work formed a key aspect of the group's sound throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s. Brian Jones, had become increasingly unreliable in the studio due to his drug use, and it was the last Rolling Stones album to be released during his lifetime. (Wikipedia)

#albumoftheweek #music #rollingstones #beggarsbanquet

Last updated 2 years ago

Andy · @AndyT
163 followers · 510 posts · Server

@elsemusic I think that the mono is a fold-down for & , though both sound very good.

It’s possible that Let it Bleed is a different mix from my UK stereo. I’m not a Stones nut, but understand it took a lot of detective work to track down tapes for the mono box set. Provenance for a lot of their early stuff is uncertain. Even if it is the same mix, it’s different mastering from what’s highly likely to be a very different source… Any of those things might be to blame.

#beggarsbanquet #letitbleed

Last updated 2 years ago

JoeyX · @JoeyX
47 followers · 210 posts · Server

On this day, December 6th, in 1968: The Rolling Stones and Decca/London Records released “Beggars Banquet.”

Today’s soundtrack: Still burns.

Today's 8-track perfection: No split up songs!

Today’s screening: “Rock and Roll Circus” and “Gimme Shelter”


#otd #beggarsbanquet #rollingstones

Last updated 2 years ago

Patricio Bateman · @PatricioBateman
355 followers · 4782 posts · Server

Paradójicamente, la reconocida tapa del disco no fue la que originalmente salió. La idea del grupo de retratar un baño con graffitis que ellos mismos habían escrito no contó con el visto bueno de la discográfica (al parecer, insultos hacia Lyndon Johnson y a los marines estadounidenses que entonces se encontraban en Vietnam, entre otros, no fueron bien vistos por los directivos de la compañía) Pero bien lo aclaró Mick Jagger al asegurar que “…sólo era una simple idea que nunca se había hecho antes y optamos por escribir en la pared del baño porque es donde más ves las paredes escritas. Ahí no hay nada obsceno excepto en las mentes de las personas”. Sin embargo, la portada finalmente impuesta parecía un insulto al pensamiento de la banda con un fondo blanco y el título con letras doradas que simulaba ser una invitación formal a una fiesta. Era , publicado el 6 de diciembre del convulsivo 1968.

#beggarsbanquet #EfemeridesRock

Last updated 2 years ago

𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕞 · @wertham
931 followers · 289 posts · Server

Said my name is called
I'll shout & scream
I'll THRILL the Queen
until I get a knighthood
Well then
What can a poor boy do
'cept to shill for
a Mock & Troll Plan?
Cuz in crumblin' London Town
There's just no place for
Tax Avoiding Man!

6 Dec 1968

#beggarsbanquet #therollingstones #rock #pop #music

Last updated 2 years ago

𝕎𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕞 · @wertham
1222 followers · 522 posts · Server

Said my name is called
I'll shout & scream
I'll THRILL the Queen
until I get a knighthood
Well then
What can a poor boy do
'cept to shill for
a Mock & Troll Plan?
Cuz in crumblin' London Town
There's just no place for
Tax Avoiding Man!

6 Dec 1968

#beggarsbanquet #therollingstones #rock #pop #music

Last updated 2 years ago