Gerade wer frisch mit #Battletech anfängt fragt sich oft: Welcher Mech ist das denn?
Dafür gibt es meine Mechliste, denn jeder Mech hat unter der Base eine eindeutige Nummer, mit der ihr die Miniatur zuordnen könnt.
Die Liste habe ich mit den neuesten Veröffentlichungen erweitert. Sie enthält nun auch die Nummern und Varianten aus der Snord's Irregulars Battle Lance, UrbanMech Lance und dem Proliferation Cycle Force Pack.
#miniaturegaming #miniaturegames #beginnerguide
#battletech #miniaturegaming #miniaturegames #beginnerguide
How to radio OR In defense of cheap little radios
Are you interested in Shortwave Listing, but don't know how to start? Here is a brief introduction on how to get started! By Guero at HFZone.
#Images #KBC #Shows #SWRadiogram #TIAMS #Uncategorized #BeginnerGuide #Decode #HowTo #Radio #Radiogram #SDR #Shortwave #Shows #SWL
#swl #shortwave #sdr #radiogram #radio #howto #decode #beginnerguide #uncategorized #tiams #SWRADIOGRAM #shows #kbc #images
Read a post on here from someone who needs the alt text on images to be able to engage with posts. I've found the instructions to add alt text and it's not exactly great UI so it's possible posters are missing it. Here's the article:
You have to edit the image after selecting it.
#introduction #userGuide #howDoesThisWork #howDoesMastodonWork #beginnerGuide #beginnersGuide #howToPost #altText #howToAddAltText #postingImages #accesibility
#introduction #userguide #howdoesthiswork #howdoesmastodonwork #beginnerguide #beginnersguide #howtopost #alttext #howtoaddalttext #postingimages #accesibility
I read a post on here from someone who needs the alt text on images to be able to engage with posts. I've found the instructions to add alt text and it's not exactly great UI so it's possible posters are missing it. Here's the article:
You have to edit the image after selecting it.
#introduction #userGuide #howDoesThisWork #howDoesMastodonWork #beginnerGuide #beginnersGuide #howToPost #altText #howToAddAltText #postingImages #accesibility
#introduction #userguide #howdoesthiswork #howdoesmastodonwork #beginnerguide #beginnersguide #howtopost #alttext #howtoaddalttext #postingimages #accesibility