Would it be possible for someone to spare $5 so I could get some milk please?
Please and thank you
Hey there #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowFund Adora, a disabled trans girl, here. Sadly can no longer use Ko-Fi or my funds get held for up to 21 days. and i need to eat
Still need help for the month of September. This is just for food. I need $131 for food to hopefully get through the month.
I only have CashApp and PayPal
any help is GREATLY appreciated
Thank you and goddess bless you
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowfund
Heya #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowFund I’ve had a rough day of PayPal trying to call me a business cause i used Ko-Fi. I still need help very much
I still need help for the month of September. This is just for food. I need $131 for food to hopefully get through the month. I had gotten $20, with the cashout it came to $19 to be transparent
All I have left is cash app and PayPal directly.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowfund
Hey there #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowFund I’ve had a rough day of PayPal trying to call me a business cause i used Ko-Fi
I still need help for the month of September. This is just for food. I need $131 for food to hopefully get through the month. I had gotten $20, with the cashout it came to $19 to be transparent
All I have left is cash app and PayPal directly.
Thank you and goddess bless you
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowfund
Hey there #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowFund I’ve had a rough day of PayPal trying to call me a business cause i used Ko-Fi
I still need help for the month of September. This is just for food. I need $150 for food to hopefully get through the month.
All I have left is cash app and PayPal directly.
Thank you and goddess bless you
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowfund
Main Post: https://vabu.us/@GoddessZenith/110928942343099636
Making a separate begpost just for my electric bill. Would like to not get shut off, if that happens well I'll likely die because I am incredibly suspectable to heat because of POTS.
I have only 3 days to pay it. 😿
CashApp: $ZTG05
#begpost #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund
Im sorry #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund im going to have to speak this truth but there is some good news!
So I needed $200 for the month of september for food. Now? I'm down to needing $155
But i do need it, as my mom has lost her EBT card. She has called it in but we do need food!
Your help is greatly appreciated in this endeavor.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
Good news #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund I got bus fare at least.
So I needed $200 for the month of september for food. Now? I'm down to needing $196.
Your help is greatly appreciated in this endeavor.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
Good news #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund I got bus fare at least.
So I needed $200 for the month of september for food. Now? I'm down to needing $196.
I'm not buying food just for myself, but I am also helping as much as I can in my own small way to make sure my 8 year old nephew has food when my parents are struggling.
Your help is greatly appreciated in this endeavor.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
hey there #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund Adora here. It's only Tuesday and I've had a rough go of it so far.
I've been misgendered by my own mom, which feeds into my nephew disrespecting me as well.
GOOD NEWS! I just need $24 more!
my dinner last night was PBJ, which while fine, can't sustain me this entire week or the week after
I'd greatly appreciate it.
thank you.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
hey there #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund Adora here. It's only Tuesday and I've had a rough go of it so far.
I've been misgendered by my own mom, which feeds into my nephew disrespecting me as well.
But I have a favor please. Could someone please spare $100? for food?
my dinner last night was PBJ, which while fine, can't sustain me this entire week or the week after
I'd greatly appreciate it.
thank you.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
🌱 I'm going to post this here too, we need $315 more to clear a negative balance! Boosts and donations help a poor, trans, disabled system. 💚
20 / 335
#MutualAidRequest #MutualAid #CrowdFund #CrowdFunding #NEISVoid #Help #BegPost #DisabilityCrowdFund #TransCrowdFund #Fundraising #Fundraiser
#mutualaidrequest #mutualaid #crowdfund #crowdfunding #neisvoid #help #begpost #disabilitycrowdfund #transcrowdfund #fundraising #fundraiser
Hi. so our landlords *kindly* informed us they want rent early. This wouldn't be a problem if this wasn't before my partner's last paycheck this month, which was going to cover her portion of the rent.
I simply refuse to accept the risk of going homeless again. Please help protect an at-risk, disabled, trans femme in a hostile state to Zhr.
(more ways to help in replies)
#begpost #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #disabledcrowdfund
#BegPost #MutualAid #MastoMutualAid
Hi, #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidReqest my name is Adora. I’m a trans woman coming with a big ask.
I need $117. Why? In case I need to escape my mother’s home fast as I have started to transition and she doesn’t like it.
I appreciate your help in this endeavor. I've since updated the original post
#begpost #mutualaid #mastomutualaid #transcrowdfund #mutualaidreqest
#BegPost #MutualAid #MastoMutualAid
Hi, #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidReqest my name is Adora. I’m a trans woman coming with a big ask.
I need $117. Why? In case I need to escape my mother’s home fast as I have started to transition and she doesn’t like it.
I appreciate your help in this endeavor
#begpost #mutualaid #mastomutualaid #transcrowdfund #mutualaidreqest
#BegPost #MutualAid #MastoMutualAid
Hello there fedis, especially those of the #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund variety.
My name is Adora. I am a trans woman (just started my first dose today! ) who still lives at home.
I need your help.
I need $207 so I can pay a friend who is going to help me get a device that I can use if I need to run from a mentally abusive household due to my transition.
your help is appreciated
#begpost #mutualaid #mastomutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
Hello there Masto #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund I am officially transitioning! but that will come with a potential kicking out of the home
I need $195 more to achieve my goal of getting a device I can grab and leave in a dash.
If you could help in anyway, I’d greatly appreciate it.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
Hello there Masto #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #TransCrowdFund I am officially transitioning as of yesterday (though I need to get the actual meds)
I need your help with a big ask and I’m sorry. Things will probably get bad in my house.
I need $195 more raised for a laptop or similar device to grab, stuff in a bag and flee.
If you could help in anyway, I’d greatly appreciate it.
#begpost #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #transcrowdfund
Hi, #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidReqest my name is Adora. I’m a trans woman coming with a big ask.
I need $359 to buy a laptop. (I did update the original post as well)
Why? In case I need to escape my mother’s home fast since I am going to be transitioning soon and I may be kicked out because of it. Editing documents is basically how I help to eat and live atm.
i'm sorry.
#begpost #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #mutualaidreqest
Hi, #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #MutualAidReqest my name is Adora. I’m a trans woman coming with a big ask.
I need $382 to buy a laptop.
Why? In case I need to escape my mother’s home fast since I am going to be transitioning soon and I may be kicked out because of it. Editing documents is basically how I help to eat and live atm.
i'm sorry.
#begpost #mutualaid #transcrowdfund #mutualaidreqest