Hola Titánicos, cada 20 de mayo se celebra el día mundial de la Enfermedad de Behçet, una enfermedad rara que afecta a 2300 personas en España. Descubre en que consiste esta enfermedad y como afecta en el día a día.
#EnfermedaddeBehçet #sindromedeBehçet #Behçet #enfermedadesraras #enfermedad #discapacidad #disca #gentetitanica #somosdisca #Salud #cuidados #visibilidad
#enfermedaddebehcet #sindromedebehcet #behcet #enfermedadesraras #enfermedad #discapacidad #disca #gentetitanica #somosdisca #salud #cuidados #visibilidad
RT @nikolasruffer
#Behçet‘s syndrome is a heterogenous condition and multiple disease clusters have been described. Therefore, establishing the diagnosis of BS is complex. Our study published @RheumJnl investigates the DD of BS in a low prevalence setting. #vasculitis https://academic.oup.com/rheumatology/advance-article/doi/10.1093/rheumatology/kead101/7067740
Results are up to 15mo. post-index date.
The vasculitises include #Wegener's disease (2.51x risk), #Behcet's (2.42x), #sarcoidosis (2.14x), & #arteritis temporalis (1.63x).
Risk of AI disease also increased markedly amongst adolescents (but was not statistically significant).
#wegener #behcet #Sarcoidosis #arteritis
RT @SocietyBehcet@twitter.com
Next #webinar at februari 23rdfor #Behcet's disease involves #childhoodv disease. See the #ISBD website (https://www.behcetdiseasesociety.org/) for details.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SocietyBehcet/status/1618627412023209987
#isbd #childhoodv #behcet #webinar
Au bout de quelques médecins, on comprend que c’est sans doute un symptôme de la maladie de #Behçet, une maladie auto-inflammatoire chronique, censée toucher des personnes plus jeunes et qui vivent ou sont originaires des pays sur la route de la Soie (particulièrement en Turquie mais aussi au Japon apparemment)… D’habitude j’ai plutôt de la chance dans la vie, là bof donc.
Especially helpful table on the role of anticoagulation in vascular Behcet syndrome
RT @NatRevRheumatol@twitter.com
Read our #Review on #vascular #Behçet syndrome, for insight into the histopathological, pathogenetic and clinical aspects and implications for therapeutic management.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NatRevRheumatol/status/1606667309560504323