I’m on the board of this non-profit and these events are one of my passions. #beheard #commonground https://www.normandyparkblog.com/2022/12/13/love-is-my-religion-group-helps-people-hear-the-other-side-in-heartfelt-meaningful-way/
I’m on the board of this non-profit and these events are one of my passions. #beheard #commonground https://www.normandyparkblog.com/2022/12/13/love-is-my-religion-group-helps-people-hear-the-other-side-in-heartfelt-meaningful-way/
Today is the day! Thanks to all the veterans and their families who continue to serve #Democracy.
#Vote #BeHeard
@VettheVote@twitter.com @wetheveterans@twitter.com
17 days
35 election volunteers
> 10k voters
1 celebratory #HowlingCow scoop
#EarlyVoting ‘22 is in the bag. #vote #BeHeard @wetheveterans @VettheVote @NCStateUnion @NCState
#howlingcow #earlyvoting #vote #beheard