Bueno, bueno, bueno... ¡Mi primera adquisición Oasis-related!
La verdad es que hace tiempo que dejé de ir a por maxis, desde que #Napster o #Audiogalaxy entraron en escena y también desde que las discográficas empezaron a publicar recopilatorios de rarezas, pero he visto este barato (y otro más con el que pago ambos... ya lo he vendido) y me he lanzado por él.
En realidad, mi oscuro objeto del deseo es el #BeHereNow, que es para mí el culmen de la carrera de #Oasis, pero voy abriendo boca con esto, que poco tiene que ver ya con lo que sacaban los #Gallagher cuando estaban juntos. Tanto Noel como Liam se están arriesgando con sonidos muy diferentes con mayor o menor fortuna, pero a mí me mola que intenten cosas nuevas y eviten convertirse en el típico artista consagrado que saca el mismo disco cada ocho años.
En este caso tenemos dos temas muy interesantes en la cara A, #ThisIsThePlace y #ADreamIsAllINeedToGetBy, más un tercero, #EvilFlower, que se me hace muy repetitivo. Un amigo muy Oasisero me ha dicho que Noel intenta imitar a #NewOrder, pero lo cierto es que no estoy familiarizado con ese grupo como para emitir mi propia opinión al respecto.
En la otra cara tenemos remezclas del tercer tema, que ya era malo de por sí, y otra poco inspirada del tema principal, así que no merece mucho la pena. Al menos viene en un disco con un precioso color turquesa.
#napster #audiogalaxy #beherenow #oasis #gallagher #thisistheplace #adreamisallineedtogetby #evilflower #neworder #noelgallagher #eugenelo
"It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed."
- Ram Dass 🙏🏼💚
#MCIREA #MCIRMD Gratulation an Man City
daher #songoftheday von #oasis
#beherenow Tour habe ich damals in München gesehen. #bestofbritish 😍
#bestofbritish #beherenow #oasis #songoftheday #MCIRMD #mcirea
As of late, I have been going thru a persistent rough patch emotionally. Like many, along with the many gifts that neurodivergence has given me, emotional disregulation is a daily gift that I'm still learning to manage twenty years after my diagnosis. My usual coping tools are being tested with the clear knowledge that my mother is dying and soon she will be gone from this realm.
There is no procedure or miracle cure for her situation and there is nothing to do but hold the love that I have and accept the pain that is present.
I'm light of this, I've been trying a new practice. No matter what the situation, I ask myself how deeper love and surrender can help it.
It's been immensely helpful to keep my heart open while she is moving on.
#meditation #beherenow #grief #mindfulness #kindness
#meditation #beherenow #grief #mindfulness #kindness
"Only this moment is real, this #moment of loving #awareness. The past and the future are all just thoughts." - Ram Dass
#moment #awareness #mindfulness #beherenow
Lionharts (Instagram) April #Tarot Challenge day 12:
What commitments can I make to support my journey towards self love?
Movement (Knight) of Swords from the Naked Heart Tarot
I woke up in a really pissy mood today. Went to bed that way too. Nothing really horrible is going on. I’m just cranky. Noticing all those things people do…you know, those aggravating things. I’m having a lot of “what if” thoughts. Thinking about a lot of things that are out of my control and yet I still try to control them. Because of course I know better than they do (sarcasm…). Worrying about relationships, commitments, things that are five months down the road. My head is boiling over with thoughts and frustrations and worry…..It doesn’t feel good. It in fact feels yucky.
So here’s the Knight of Swords. A bit of an impetuous character sometimes. But with laser vision. It sees its prey and moves quickly. Focused, determined. It’s not thinking “what if”. It just acts. It is living in the present moment. No self-defeating thoughts. It lives here right now. Its thoughts don’t stray. It is mindfulness in motion.
The advice here is to just be in the moment. Take care of what is right in front of me. Let go of those thoughts that are vexing me. They’re just thoughts. If I focus on the here and now and not on what’s extraneous and unknown, and probably unreal, I will be taking better care of myself. It’s a much healthier way of being. Some meditation will probably help as well. #TarotCardoftheDay #BeHereNow #Mindfulness
#Tarot #tarotcardoftheday #beherenow #mindfulness
Your friends & family want YOU. All of you. Fully present. They want your time, your smile, your laughter. They want the twinkle in your eye and they want to celebrate with you whether it is the launching of a book, a marriage (or divorce), birth, graduation, holiday, or simply the fact that you opened your eyes today.
Read more at https://loriannking.com/wheels-to-wellness/prepare-to-be-present-life-lessons-from-mary-and-martha/
#presence #mindfulness #beherenow #easter2023
Why is this so hard to remember!? Thank God for the poets. #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #WaltWhitman #happiness #mindfulness #beherenow
#writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #waltwhitman #happiness #mindfulness #beherenow
You are more than you *think* you are.
Paradoxically, your striving is stopping you from getting anywhere.
Happy Caturday! Queen Sasha’s human mom sent me another pic of her to share.
Queen Sasha says:
Be here now
#Caturday #HappyCaturday #QueenSasha #Rescue #MaineCoon #MaineCoonTabby #MaineCoonsOfMastodon #CatsOfMastodon #BeHereNow #Photography
#caturday #happycaturday #queensasha #rescue #mainecoon #mainecoontabby #mainecoonsofmastodon #catsofmastodon #beherenow #photography
In our current social and political environment it is immensely difficult to have the consciousness to stay present and open hearted. So, to all of you whole hearted love warriors out there, thank you for continuing to provide balance to our beautiful world simply by being open to compassion.
#meditation #beherenow #mindfulness #buddhist #zen #compassion
#meditation #beherenow #mindfulness #buddhist #zen #compassion
Studies show that those who openly discuss death report happier lives with more fun and less fear than those who deny their mortality.
Can confirm!
Give it a try - talk about death, pre-plan for your end of life, and see how you like it. #deathpositive #getadoula #livewelldiewell #beherenow
#deathpositive #getadoula #livewelldiewell #beherenow
To cling is to suffer. This is especially true when you’re dying.
Practice letting go while you’re alive…every day, let go of people, feelings, or thoughts that no longer serve you.
Practice letting go with love. #practicemakesbetter #livewelldiewell #beherenow https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoSL-SoAzP4/?igshid=OTRmMjhlYjM=
#practicemakesbetter #livewelldiewell #beherenow
Savoring a pleasurable activity increases sustained happiness. It can be as simple as drinking a cup of coffee in your kitchen or out in your community. It doesn’t have to be fancy! What will you savor today? #livewelldiewell #beherenow https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoPdTvIAsFK/?igshid=OTRmMjhlYjM=
“Chicago is a town, a city that doesn’t ever have to measure itself against any other city. Other places have to measure themselves against it. It’s big, it’s outgoing, it’s tough, it’s opinionated, and everybody’s got a story.” —Anthony Bourdain…What will your story be? #livewelldiewell #beherenow https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoM8k0DAf1G/?igshid=OTRmMjhlYjM=
I have a new #song. It’s been #gestating without me even realising it and now that I am getting out of the way of myself it is coming through.
Excited to share it with you…..
This photo of me in my 20’s deep in thought (I’m always deep in thought) was taken by my fiercely creative friend Des Burkinshaw.
#newsong #writerscommunity #songwriter #creativity #getoutofyourownway #flow #belikeababy #fiercelycreative #beherenow
#song #gestating #newsong #writerscommunity #songwriter #creativity #getoutofyourownway #flow #belikeababy #fiercelycreative #beherenow