No greater desire exists than a wounded person's need for another wound.
"What I want, is that you love me even unto death. For my part, it is in death I love you at this very instant. But I don't want your love unless you know I am repulsive, and love me even as you know it.
#georgesbataille #selfportrait #BehindCurtains #HidingBeindCreatures #flamingoObsession
#georgesbataille #selfportrait #behindcurtains #hidingbeindcreatures #flamingoobsession
I cannot forget
The perfumed dusk inside the
Tent of my black hair,
As we awoke to make love
After a long night of love.
#kennethrexroth #poetry #photography #selfportrait #behindcurtains
“I want to sleep with you, fall asleep and sleep. That magnificent folk word, how deep, how true, how unequivocal, how exactly what it says. Just – sleep. And nothing more. No, another thing: and know right into the deepest sleep that it is you. And more: how your heart sounds. And – kiss your heart.”
#marinatsvetaeva #poetry #photography #thecountryhouse #behindcurtains
Extinguish my eyes, I'll go on seeing you.
Seal my ears, I'll go on hearing you.
And without feet I can make my way to you,
without a mouth I can swear your name.
Break off my arms, I'll take hold of you
with my heart as with a hand.
Stop my heart, and my brain will start to beat.
And if you consume my brain with fire,
I'll feel you burn in every drop of my blood.
#rainermariarilke #poetry #selfportrait #thecryingpoint #inmytinystudio #photography #behindcurtains
Your skin like dawn
Mine like musk
One paints the beginning
of a certain end.
The other, the end of a
sure beginning.
#mayaangelou #poetry #photography #behindcurtains
Et les feuilles de l'automne rencontrent des ciels moins bleus, et ton absence leur donne la couleur de tes cheveux
#behindcurtains #selfportait #inmytinystudio #photography
The world is too quiet without you nearby
#photography #selfportait #behindcurtains