Na de laatste teleurstellende serie had ik dit keer weer een leuke te pakken. Bizar eind 😯
Wsch heeft half nl 'm al gezien, maar toch, dit is wel een #kijktip
No es #ViernesDeRecomendación pero me voy a poner al día con los toots que perdí con la migración.
"Behind Her Eyes" es una miniserie (6 capítulos) que te sumerge en un mundo de juegos psicológicos y tintes sobrenaturales, sigue la historia de Louise Barnsley, una madre soltera que queda atrapada en una peligrosa red de secretos después de conocer a un misterioso hombre y a su esposa. Es una miniserie que te sorprende con sus giros inesperados y su final excepcionalmente audaz, que te hará cuestionar todo lo que has visto. Basada en el libro homónimo escrita por Sarah Pinborough.
#viernesderecomendacion #behindhereyes
I just watched Behind Her Eyes Season 1 and gave it ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ on Trakt. #BehindHerEyes #trakt
Good evening from Thaxted. Back home in Essex tonight. Today did not go to plan (weather) so came home a bit earlier than planned. Lots of problems on the road, so the journey took two hours instead of one hour twenty minutes. Had a work call en-route which annoyed me, so arrived home grump. Still feeling grrrr about it. Can you say "twenty-six days to moving?"
Had a nice sleep and then cooked dinner for H and I, and we watched the second episode of #BehindHerEyes. Well, I did. H has scratched her eye with a twig (accidentally) so eyes are a bit of a sore point. Just put her chloramphenicol in for her. I think she is underestimating how long the recovery will be. She's hoping to work on Wednesday.
Molly cat is skin and bones. Much of her hair hasn't grown back post surgery, and I found a small lump tonight. She isn't suffering but I don't think we will be able to keep her with us much longer.
Sie weiß von Dir (Miniserie) ✔️
#BehindHerEyes #Netflix #serien @filmeundserien
#behindhereyes #netflix #serien