Diana Tamantini · @dtamantini
26 followers · 332 posts · Server mastodon.uno

Bill Cooper on Telling the Truth

No one wants to be around you; you can’t bear to go to cocktail parties where everyone is talking about the weather; it is like being with kindergarten children.

( Bill Cooper paid the ultimate price; shot dead on his own doorstep by the CIA)


William Cooper - Behold A Pale Horse.pdf
Read: tinyurl.com/y6lc2fv7
DL: tinyurl.com/y2nycsyr

#billcooper #williamcooper #beholdapalehorse

Last updated 2 years ago

GWFFtheKoK [KoK] · @GWFF
594 followers · 9176 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

@MartinJJ @noagendashowvideo how else has icke been permitted to spread his narrative?

For me it's the truth hiding in plain side, and whether or not it's knowingly done, Icke is allowed to continue for some reason.


Last updated 5 years ago