It’s all in the eye of the #beholder! What’s your favourite #dnd monster? 😊
#5e #dndcommunity #dndmaps #fantasymaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #rpggames #wotc #RolePlayingGame #osr #DungeonsAndDragons5e
#beholder #DnD #5e #dndcommunity #dndmaps #fantasymaps #pathfinderrpg #ttrpgs #rpggames #wotc #roleplayinggame #osr #dungeonsanddragons5e
Il est encore temps de choper #beholder 2 gratuitement sur GOG
Je suis encore qu'au 1er étage mais toujours aussi malaisant que le 1er. Par contre on sent plus le coté jeu (répéter des actions tous les jours pour accumuler des points) alors que le 1er semblait plus à une histoire ininterrompue.
Which reminds me, I can’t remember if I’ve shown the Beholder I’ve been sculpting in its finished state. Also, a sneak peek at a first-try 3D printed version…
#3DModel #dnd #DnDMonster #Beholder #3DPrint #ttrpg #Miniatures #NomadSculpt #iPadArt
#3dmodel #dnd #dndmonster #beholder #3dprint #ttrpg #miniatures #nomadsculpt #ipadart
I’ve been working on another beholder in Nomad Sculpt. Posing the eyestalks makes it look so much better. Apart from putting a small hole in the bottom so it can go on a clear stand once resin printed, I’m calling this done.
#beholder #dnd #monstermanual #3dmodel
I decided to get back into sculpting after having a break, and thought I’d have another go at a beholder. It’s still a very early WIP, so there are lots of issues that I will get to once I figure out some stuff about mirroring.
I will eventually get some 3D prints done too.
#NomadSculpt #3DArt #beholder #dnd #MonsterManual #DnDMonster #MobileSculpting
#nomadsculpt #3dart #beholder #dnd #monstermanual #dndmonster #mobilesculpting
I'm gradually building up a list of guidelines to help me improve as an artist. Just simple stuff. Here's one.
* If there's a place where one of your pictures could go, draw something and put it there.
This picture's pretty much an example of that guideline. I hadn't changed my Facebook cover photo for a while; needed refreshing.
#beholder #kobolds #disintegrate #deathray #fleshtostone #eyerays #eyetyrant #sphereofmanyeyes #cavern #facebookcoverphoto #eyerays
#beholder #kobolds #disintegrate #deathray #fleshtostone #eyerays #eyetyrant #sphereofmanyeyes #cavern #facebookcoverphoto
I spent a full hour on this abomination according to my ipad. So now you must all suffer alongside me and my bad jokes >:D
It was #DnD night tonight and we stumbled upon the lair of a #beholder! It was a tough fight, but we made it out alive... with a ton of treasure 🧿💰
#dnd #beholder #dungeonsanddragons
Behold! This scene is now complete.
A few minor issues but I'm satisfied overall with it - i'll probably do a start to finish post as an album on my site later and I may clean the model up and put it on printables, not sure yet.
#3dprinting #minipainting #dnd #beholder
#beholder #dnd #minipainting #3dprinting
The finish line is in sight! Took 3 times to print out the simple chest i designed to hide the battery pack (filament ran out i didn’t notice and peeled the print off, so had to restart, then the next spool had a threading issue, third spool no problem)
- wait for primer to dry on the chest and paint it
- gloss coat over the stalagmites
- finally, wire up the LEDs for the eyes
#diorama #minipainting #beholder #dnd #3dprinting
Stopped to do one thing before going to bed, ended up stringing and attaching all of the eye stalks - next steps, finish the cave, figure out how/where to put the batteries and then will face the enormous pain of attaching all the wires to the terminals to light him up.
#beholder #3dprinting #diorama #dnd
#dnd #diorama #3dprinting #beholder
Only a bit of progress today - filled in the eye stalks around the LEDs with foam putty, painted the central eye and put the base coat down on the cavern floor/stalagmites.
#3dprinting #dnd #minipainting #beholder
#beholder #minipainting #dnd #3dprinting
Second D&D monster pic: Beholder.
Need to come up with a subject for the third one, so it's time to open the old 1E Monster Manual and look through the Cs.
#DnD #beholder #monster #eyetyrant #sphereofmanyeyes
Today’s progress on the beholder scene.
Wired up the eyes
Have the base primed and ready to paint.
Need to finish painting the main eye, then work on wire management and painting the scenery.
#minipainting #monster #beholder #dnd #3dprinting
Calling the non LED lit version of the beholder finished - the LED one has had the base count painted, more work on it tomorrow.
#3dprinting #dnd #beholder #minipainting
#minipainting #beholder #dnd #3dprinting
First print came out really nice but I’m going to reprint it with the eye stalks separated so I can string the wires - this one I’ll paint up and use beads or such for the minor eyes I think.
#3dprinting #beholder