Por lo que veo, mi #Linuxmint no esta gestionando bien el #audio No me aparecen las aplicaciones para enrutearlas en #QJackctl y tengo que arrancar #jack para ver mi #behringer #UMC1820 por que los #ALSA no la detectan... no se que hacer ya.
#linuxmint #audio #qjackctl #jack #behringer #umc1820 #alsa
Time to break out some gear and make some noise (er, music). Thinking my preferences lean toward some #elektron gear, specifically starting with the Model:Cycles and Model:Samples, and a drum machine, and bass synth, likely #behringer. This is a #nodaw night. I’ll either be recording into my #zoomh8 or hook everything up to my #tascam model 12. #electronicmusic #synthmusic
#elektron #behringer #nodaw #zoomh8 #tascam #ElectronicMusic #synthmusic
The people at #Behringer have been working on a clone of the old Soviet #Polivoks synthesizer!
#behringer #polivoks #polyvox #поливокс #synthesizer
Well, I dropped a weight on my left foot while exercising and now it hurts so much that DoorDashing is out of the question. So its time to do some music making. I think I’m in a semimodular mood, that means #Moog Mavis and Mother-32, #behringer #Neutron, and whatever else I can cobble together. #musicians #mastomusic
#moog #behringer #neutron #musicians #mastomusic
Also, the stack behind me was a Behringer head and 8x10 fridge, not the tube Ampeg SVT and 8x10 fridge we use for practice. This was already set up and that stuff is heavy.
It had PLENTY of power and I don't think my #Ibanez sounded bad through it. I was only using a mild compressor and SansAmp DI (on pass-through).
Of course, being #Behringer, it will either last a thousand years or spontaneously combust any moment.
#ibanez #behringer #bassguitar #livemusic
#Behringer のJT-4000 micro 商品ページですが、ここに日本語マニュアルのリンクがある。(Documentationと言う部分)
なので、Pro VS mini同様に日本での販売を予定している筈…なんですよね。(^_^;)💦タブン…。
#Behringer と言えば、こっちみ気になるんですよね…💧
Behringer JT-4000 Micro - How Does It Sound?
本当にこの価格帯で販売が出来るのだろうか?と言う疑問が浮かびますが、Pro VS mini同様にこの2つのシンセを購入したい。(^_^;)💦
PRO-VS mini
PRO VS MINI — Demo Songs
PRO-VS miniはいつになったら国内販売されるのだろうか?💦
Behringerから、また何か凄いモノが発表されたようですね!!(; ゚Д゚)💦
…と思ったら、動画を見るとMIDIキーボードで演奏しているなぁ…💧 Bluetooth MIDIに対応しているのだろうか?💦
I don't get why Behringer continues to insist on public bullying. Obviously reviews (or lack thereof) haven't significantly impacted the success of their gear sales, so why keep picking fights? Is Uli just that hilariously petty?
#behringer #musictechnology #MusicTech #synthesizers
@buntepanther Da ist derzeit eher Beef angesagt. Er hatte wohl ein paar Reviews mit #Behringer Synths gemacht, die er nicht von ihnen bekommen hat. Daraufhin haben sie ihm angeblich mehrere Synths kostenlos zugeschickt.
Jetzt sagen sie, er würde keine Reviews mehr über Behringer Geräte machen, da er sie nicht geschenkt bekommt.
Er sagt, sie lügen. Ende offen.
#behringer #PeaceLoveMusic #synth
#Behringer accuses Loopop of not doing reviews because they don’t send him free gear
#behringer #PeaceLoveMusic #looppop #reviews #synth
#behringer #synth #dtm #provsmini
Create and Jam Anywhere with the Behringer PRO VS MINI
日本語字幕が何故か出てくれないので、何を言っているのか!? さっぱり解りませんが…音を聞く限りでは、これは絶対に外せないガジェットだと思いました。(^_^;)💦
Behringer is teasing a rack mount version of the Wing.
Ok. So is the x32 line dead? What about Midas?
Modular Monday - temporary casing for my new foray into modular moreness. Woke up early and refreshed aftering a refresh in my bedroom. #modularmonday #diy #propellerhead #behringer #reason #sunrise
#sunrise #reason #behringer #propellerhead #diy #modularmonday
„So I say
fuck you for the music, the noise I'm bringing
Thanks for all the toys, they're whinging”
#behringer #neutron #synthesizer #doepfer #darklink #vcv #vcvrack #rack #modular #modularsynthesizer #modularsynthesi
#modularsynthesi #modularsynthesizer #modular #rack #vcvrack #vcv #darklink #doepfer #synthesizer #neutron #behringer
Arturia Keystep 32 is a popular midi controller. This portable USB keyboard comes with pleanty of options to unlease your creativity.
The Behringer Swing is a 32 keys midi controller that is a replica of Arturia's Keystep 32. Behringer's Swing is an undesirable keyboard because it is a copy of Arturia's Keystep design.
#midi #usb #arturia #KeyStep #behringer #swing