I am a sucker for discussions like this one. So good. An ideal life for me would regularly involve such discussions with smart people who would teach me deep ideas.
#Heidegger #existentialism #philosophy #BeingAndTime #MartinHeidegger #Sartre #JeanPaulSartre
#heidegger #existentialism #philosophy #beingandtime #martinheidegger #sartre #jeanpaulsartre
@EgyptianAphorist You might enjoy this podcast on Heidegger's "Being and Time" by Simon Critchley. I listened to it on long walks during the first months of the covid epidemic. #Philosophy #MartinHeidegger #BeingAndTime #SimonCritchley https://www.onassis.org/channel/apply-degger-podcast-simon-critchley
#SimonCritchley #beingandtime #martinheidegger #philosophy
I do #philosophy in the early mornings; when my mind is fresh,. not engaged in too many other things.
Today I watched #BeingInTheWorld by #TaoRuspoli, an outstanding introduction to #Heidegger
It deals with central concepts of #SeinUndZeit (#BeingAndTime) and was inspired by the eminent #HerbertDreyfus & his reading of Heidegger.
Requires no training in philosophy, is very down to earth & hands on, which in itself is very #Heideggerian,
80 mins
#taoruspoli #heideggerian #herbertdreyfus #beingandtime #seinundzeit #heidegger #beingintheworld #philosophy