In this rushed world where everyone wants everything instantly, this song is just about that. Needing more time, hurrying from one thing to the next & at the core craving to just reconnect with yourself.
#chenelno1 #songwriter #newmusic #needmoretime #parenting #beingaparent #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing
#chenelno1 #songwriter #newmusic #needmoretime #parenting #beingaparent #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing
In this rushed world where everyone wants everything instantly, this song is just about that. Needing more time, hurrying from one thing to the next & at the core craving to just reconnect with yourself.
#chenelno1 #songwriter #newmusic
#needmoretime #parenting #beingaparent #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #selflove #love #anxiety #motivation #depression #health #mentalhealthmatters #life #mindfulness #love
#chenelno1 #songwriter #newmusic #needmoretime #parenting #beingaparent #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #selflove #love #anxiety #motivation #depression #health #mentalhealthmatters #life #mindfulness
Today I want to encourage someone reading this post that you are loved. When things get hard, anxiety hits or depression tries to pull you under, please ask for help. You'll find many family and friends at your side. Don't go through your struggle alone.
#chenelno1 #newmusic
#masterofdisguise #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #selflove #anxiety #motivation #depression #mentalhealthmatters
#chenelno1 #newmusic #masterofdisguise #parenthood #beingaparentishard #beingaparentistough #beingaparentisablessing #mentalhealthawareness #selfcare #selflove #anxiety #motivation #depression #mentalhealthmatters