Being WOKE means respecting and defending civil, human, and animal rights.
Being WOKE means having compassion for the sick, the poor, the hungry, and the homeless.
Being WOKE means respecting, heeding, and teaching history.
Being WOKE means standing against racism, bigotry, misogyny, LGBTQIA-phobia, nationalism, nativism, and xenophobia.
Being WOKE means respecting truth, rejecting lies.
Being WOKE means NOT being an asshoIe, a sociopath, a Republican.
#BeingWoke #woke
Wenn man bedenkt, dass das #sammeln lange, lange vor dem #jagen da war und sich mehr oder weniger zufällig entwickelt hat...schon erstaunlich wie man sich toxische Männlichkeit mit anthropologischem Hokus Pokus schönreden bzw. verherrlichen kann!
#beaman #aboutmasculinity #heroes #beingwoke
#sammeln #jagen #beaman #aboutmasculinity #heroes #beingwoke