What books can we turn to for a religious, yet non-fundamentalist, Jewish Bible commentary?

The authors here draw from classical Jewish sources including the Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash, and Meforshim (classical Bible commentators)
and also from modern day rabbis who are knowledgeable about historical, archaeological, and comparative textual studies.


#bible #jewishbible #HebrewBible #tanakh #biblecommentaries #meforshim #judaism #beitmidrash #hebrewschools

Last updated 2 years ago

What books should every Jewish housebound have? There are many, but one should be a chumash.

A Chumash is a Torah printed in book form, arranged for weekly liturgical readings in synagogues. Each weekly Torah portion is followed by a thematically related reading from another book in the Bible, called a haftarah.

A Chumash has: Torah portions broken into weekly readings, Haftarah readings, translations, and commentary.


#chumash #torah #torahstudy #beitmidrash

Last updated 2 years ago

When Europeans went to America they didn’t find ancient manuscripts of Shakespeare: because they were colonisers
Jews in Israel find ancient manuscripts written in Hebrew, the same language they speak today, describing the same rituals they observe: because they’re indigenous.
- Lee Kern

#jewish #judaism #torah #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism #reformJudaism #havurah #beitmidrash #indigenous #Israel #zion #zionism #ashkenazijews #ashkenazi #Sephardic #sephardicjews #mizrachi #mizrachijew

Last updated 2 years ago