@OskarImKeller Ich habe mir doch noch mal den #BélaTarr gegeben. Das war sogar die digital restaurierte Fassung von 22. Und immer noch genial. Aber wie gesagt, den kriegt man auch zum Beispiel bei #Filmfriend
Und hier der Link zu Filmio:
Alles was einen grünen Streifen hat, ist kostenfrei, und hat englische Untertitel. #BélaTarr #ZoltánFábri und (trotz) #FerencTörök
#magyarfilm #filmempfehlung #ferenctorok #zoltanfabri #belatarr
40 years ago:
Macbeth (HU)
A Hungarian TV version of the play shot in just two takes.
#Macbeth #BélaTarr #ClassicMovies
#macbeth #belatarr #classicmovies
«Las historias acaban mal porque todas las historias narran una desintegración. Los héroes siempre se desintegran y se desintegran del mismo modo. Si no fuese así no hablaría de desintegración, sino de resurrección»
"La Condena", Béla Tarr, 1988.
Set in a barren landscape in an unrelenting windstorm, the film follows the daily routine of an old man & his daughter in almost real time. What is said to be Bela Tarr's last film, Turin Horse is a bleak vision of apocalypse. The preface of the film explains Nietzsche's breakdown & decline after seeing a horse being thrashed and throwing his arms around the beast and sobbing. Beast of Burden. Very Biblegorical. Very Bresson. Tarr paints humanity's end in grim silence. #BélaTarr #hungariancinema
#BélaTarr ‘s contemplation on individualism vs collectivism & power stretches beyond its initial take on the breakup of communism parable. In a very unsparing terms, Tarr paints a grim picture of human nature. Told in 12 chapters, the film's narrative often folds onto itself, presenting two different perspectives of the same incidents- not for the different pov, but just to harp on the endlessness of its purgatory. This is satan's tango: two steps forward, two steps back. Repeat. #satantango
Werkmeister Harmonies (2001) - Bela Tarr
#hungariancinema #belatarr #adaptation #themelancholyofresistance #laszlokrasznahorkai
#hungariancinema #adaptation #themelancholyofresistance #laszlokrasznahorkai #belatarr
2. DAMNATION (Béla Tarr, 1988) — The storyline could fit into a thimble but Tarr makes it all seem epic and prodigious through remarkable black and white cinematography and a patient, slowly floating camera eye. Some see this film as a test run for SÁTÁNTANGÓ but, though it doesn't match that masterpiece, DAMNATION is indeed its own thing. → https://youtu.be/x8LvUAdqkAE
#film #FilmMastodon #BelaTarr #cinematography #Criterion #CriterionCollection
#criterioncollection #criterion #cinematography #belatarr #FilmMastodon #film