Gah! There's a new Belbury Poly album out and I didn't know! This is what happens when you stop using social media...
#BelburyPoly #Hauntology
Always great to return home from work to a parcel (or two). Some lovely listening coming this weekend. Thanks to @bleep @alvanoto #BelburyPoly @ryuichisakamoto #CaterinaBarbieri
#caterinabarbieri #belburypoly
Faux-funky, airy, flute-led track that I like. Not stressed, has analogue stuff going on.
#belburypoly #musictips #Music #funk #electronica
#Ogle #WoodfordHalse
#TheAdvisoryCircle #cafekaput #LoRecordings
#BoozooBajou #woodchamber
#MassimoEMassimo #SuperspectrumMusicLibrary
#Suryummy #ctatsupurr
#Caribou #CitySlang
#KILN #ghostlyInternational
#TheHarmonySociety #ATARecords
#ogle #woodfordhalse #ninjoibeats #Stellarays #sphontik #belburypoly #thetwelvehourfoundation #theadvisorycircle #CafeKaput #lorecordings #boozoobajou #woodchamber #okinawalifestyle #stevecobby #MassimoEMassimo #superspectrummusiclibrary #sebastientellier #suryummy #ctatsupurr #billycole #anotherfineday #TheBadPlus #caribou #cityslang #kiln #ghostlyinternational #theharmonysociety #atarecords #modulgeek #carmenvillain #zero7 #newstatemusic #eruschav
My top 9 albums of the week on! #EveryoneOnAcid #Burial #Amn #RottingChrist #BelburyPoly #SequesteredKeep #99Letters #TheCramps #LastFM
#everyoneonacid #burial #amn #rottingchrist #belburypoly #sequesteredkeep #99letters #thecramps #lastfm
My top 9 albums of the week on #TheSpecials @difficultartandmusic #Neotantra #BelburyPoly #TonkynPearson @hawksmoor #LastFM #FLAC
#TheSpecials #neotantra #belburypoly #tonkynpearson #lastfm #flac
Yr un nesa (bach mas o drefn, problem gwasgu GBX002, mae'n debyg) yw albym cyntaf #BelburyPoly, "The Willows", wedi'i ryddhau'n wreiddiol ar CD yn 2005. Lot o stwff ar hwn dw i'n clywed am y tro cyntaf heno.
Dw i wrth fy modd รข'r pethau newydd mae #GhostBox yn rhyddhau nawr, ond mae rhywbeth arbennig am y rhai cynnar yma. Collais i nhw ar y pryd, nes i fi ddarllen amdanyn nhw yn mhethau #MarkFisher ar #hauntology.
#hauntology #markfisher #ghostbox #belburypoly
Yr un nesa (bach mas o drefn, problem gwasgu GBX002, mae'n debyg) yw albym cyntaf #BelburyPoly, "The Willows", wedi'i ryddhau'n wreiddiol ar CD yn 2005. Lot o stwff ar hwn dw i'n clywed am y tro cyntaf heno.
Dw i wrth fy modd รข'r pethau newydd mae #GhostBox yn rhyddhau nawr, ond mae rhywbeth arbennig am y rhai cynnar yma. Collais i nhw ar y pryd, nes i fi ddarllen amdanyn nhw yn mhethau #MarkFisher ar #hauntology.
#hauntology #markfisher #ghostbox #belburypoly
Farmer's Angle gan #BelburyPoly, yr un cyntaf mewn cyfres o ailrhyddhau popeth yng nghatalog #GhostBox
First in a complete series of rereleases of Ghost Box's catalogue.