So my little cousin just performed last night her full first Lucia di Lamermoor with full orchestra. This was with the Mediterranean opera studio and festival in Caltagirone, Sicily.
I am so impressed! Bravo Thalia !
#opera #belcanto #classicalmusic #donizetti
#donizetti #classicalmusic #belcanto #opera
“As Poliuto, Santiago Ballerini embodied the virtues of Teatro Nuovo’s house style with a pretty, graciously produced tenor capable of reaching dramatic heights. “
#opera #belcanto #classicalmusic #teatronuovo
#teatronuovo #classicalmusic #belcanto #opera
“Mattia Venni was a sensational Crispino — his handsome baritone and capacity for self-parody allowed him to evolve from the melodramatic sobs of an almost-suicide scene to the complacent patter of success.”
#opera #classicalmusic #belcanto #teatronuovo
#teatronuovo #belcanto #classicalmusic #opera
“In the Donizetti, Jakob Lehmann, who both played violin and conducted with his bow, relished accelerating the tempo of concluding allegros and guided the music with such subtlety that even staccatos had shape to them. The maestro al cembalo Jonathan Brandani effectively conducted “Crispino” from the keyboard and let the bass and cello lead in recitatives.”
#opera #belcanto #classicalmusic #teatronuovo
#teatronuovo #classicalmusic #belcanto #opera
Crispino e la Comare (Ricci) by @teatronuovony last night was great fun. Mattia Veni as Crispino displayed a very fine singing and a fabulous stage presence. Most of the cast was strong if not excellent.
But the music, if enjoyable, is not so mesmerizing or thrilling (except maybe for a duet or a trio).
#opera #belcanto #teatronuovo #classicalmusic
#classicalmusic #teatronuovo #belcanto #opera
What Santiago Ballerini achieved last night as #Poliuto was out of this world. Pure vocal beauty, always stylistically accurate and passionate. What an artist!!
#donizetti #teatronuovo #belcanto #opera #classicalmusic
#classicalmusic #opera #belcanto #teatronuovo #donizetti #Poliuto
A spectacular triumph last night at the Rose theater (Lincoln Center) for #Poliuto #opera #donizetti for #teatronuovo and their fabulous orchestra on period instruments #belcanto with Ricardo Jose Rivera, Chelsea Lehnea and an stellar Santiago Ballerini.
#belcanto #teatronuovo #donizetti #opera #Poliuto
Opernfreunde - hier ist eine wahre Sternstunde der Gesangskunst
Montserrat Caballé singt Norma
Es ist herzerweichend… Sie selbst sagte später, ihr Auftritt an diesem Abend im Sommer 1974 bei einem aufkommenden Sturm im römischen Amphitheater in Orange sei der beste ihres Lebens gewesen.
#Bellini #Norma #Caballé #Oper #CastaDiva #Belcanto #Sternstunde
#sternstunde #belcanto #castadiva #oper #caballe #norma #Bellini
Hoje, para comemorar a nossa conversa sobre comida tradicional portuguesa, o restaurante #Belcanto subiu de posição na lista dos melhores do mundo, está agora em 25. Deixo aqui o menu no caso de alguém querer pagar 25€ for uma tangerina, e fica a pergunta: será que eles apanham os pombos na cidade?
🔗 https://belcanto.p/en/#cozinha
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
Bel Canto:
🎵 Unicorn
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #belcanto
I just moved here from another lovely instance because I found I wasn't posting at all about its subject matter but was only posting about #Autism. So here's one of those #Introduction posts with lots of #CamelCase hashtags -
#autism #introduction #camelcase #history #historicalfiction #music #rockandroll #blues #showtunes #belcanto #theatre #movies #costumedrama #books #queerlit #libraries #sixties #beatles #asexual #autistic #selfdx #weirdpride
Last Thursday was the Met triumphant Debut of #XabierAnduaga in l’Elisir D’Amore. His co-star was Aleksandra Kurzak. It was a fabulous night of pure Bel Canto.
#Opera #metopera #Donizetti #belcanto
#belcanto #donizetti #metopera #opera #XabierAnduaga
Patchett's way to capture the things we say and thoughts that rush through our minds when we think that our time is up, hits the mark. Life can be so trivial. #BelCanto #AnnPatchett #WomensPrize #BookChat #bookstodon
#belcanto #annpatchett #womensprize #bookchat #bookstodon
@danielsalcher @catboot @jcfrick @maltekir
Stromeingang: #Isol8
Stromreinigung: #JeffRowland PSU
PreAmp: Jeff Rowland CORUS
Endstufe: Jeff Rowland M625
CD Transport: #BelCanto CD3t
Phono: #REGA RP8
Phono PreAmp: REGA Aria
Nadel: REGA Apheta
Streaming: #MacMini
Switch: #SilentAngel
Async USB: Bel Canto REF Link
DAC: Jeff Rowland AERIS
LS: #TrennerFriedl RA
Kabel: #Cardas
Klingt ganz nett. 😅🎶
#audio #audiophile #hifi
#isol8 #jeffrowland #belcanto #rega #macmini #silentangel #trennerfriedl #cardas #audio #audiophile #hifi
@karenyin Congratulations! LOVE Bel Canto in LB -- they've partnered with the Long Beach Public Library a couple of times for AAPI, LGBTQ, and BIPOC programs at the library.
#BelCanto #LongBeachCA #LBPL #LongBeachPublicLibrary
#belcanto #LongBeachCA #lbpl #longbeachpubliclibrary
@TimAshAsh reminds us: today is the 225th birthday of Gaetano #Donizetti, demigod of #BelCanto, my favorite composer in #Italian #opera (sorry Verdiani, I’m always with you) @italianstudies
#opera #italian #belcanto #Donizetti
@TimAshAsh reminds us: today is the 225th birthday of Gaetano #Donizetti, demigod of #BelCanto, my favorite composer in #Italian #opera (sorry Verdiani, I’m always with you) @italianstudies
#opera #italian #belcanto #Donizetti