Passando para divulgar e prestigiar a amiga sendo entrevistada, muito legal ver a evolução dela.
Bia Viana
#bikeanjo #belem #bicicleta #ativismo #mulherpreta #paraciclo #pedalamana
#bikeanjo #belem #bicicleta #ativismo #mulherpreta #paraciclo #pedalamana
AAAS: "Brazil's Amazon Summit falls short on charting meaningful goals to protect forest, researchers say." Instead of firm pledges, the Belém Declaration, signed by the countries that make up the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO)—Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela—listed 113 general objectives. Some were as vague as stating an aspirational goal of avoiding the 'point of no return' for the Amazon. 'But others were more specific, such as the intention to create a pan-Amazonian deforestation monitoring system and an “Amazon IPCC”.' The lack of specific goals, most critically for halting deforestation, wasted an opportunity for the Amazonian nations to speak with a strong, collective voice at the 20th Conference of the Parties (COP), the United Nations’s climate change meeting slated for November. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, pushed for a commitment to end deforestation in the Amazon by 2030, but most Amazonian countries had already agreed to this goal during the 2021 COP meeting in Glasgow, Scotland. The three holdouts, Guyana, Venezuela, and Bolivia, could not be persuaded to take a stronger stand. Indigenous leaders were frustated at the lack of attention for their 10% of the Amazonian population. Colombian President Gustavo Petro was a lone voice at the summit advocating for a ban on exploiting fossil fuels, with no groundswell of support. Political progress, but clearly inadequate to the day. #belem #amazon #climatechange
"Schutz des Regenwaldes in #Brasilien: Die Pflicht des Westens
Der #Regenwald wird gerodet, damit die #Agrarindustrie billig für den reichen Norden produziert. Auch deshalb muss #Europa #Brasilien helfen – mit Geld.
"Der brasilianische Präsident #Lula hat sich auf dem #Amazonas-Gipfel in #Belém selbstbewusst präsentiert. Und einige klare Botschaften in Richtung der Industrienationen gesendet. Sein Land habe viel zu lange den „untergeordneten Platz des Rohstofflieferanten“ eingenommen, es lasse sich nun nichts mehr vorschreiben.
Bereits bei den Verhandlungen über das #EU-Mercosur-Abkommen trat Lula so offensiv auf. Und er hat damit recht: Wenn die reichen Länder es mit dem #Klimaschutz wirklich ernst meinen, müssen sie mit ihren Partner*innen in Südamerika auf Augenhöhe diskutieren."!5949454/
#Klima #Klimakrise #Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDiary #Rainforest #Regenwald #Amazonas #Amazon #Industrie #IndustrieNationen
#brasilien #Regenwald #Agrarindustrie #europa #lula #amazonas #belem #EU #KlimaSchutz #Klima #KlimaKrise #climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateDiary #rainforest #amazon #Industrie #Industrienationen
"The group’s members – #Bolivia, #Brazil, #Colombia, #Ecuador, #Guyana, #Peru, #Suriname and #Venezuela – signed a joint declaration in #Belem, at the mouth of the #AmazonRiver, laying out a nearly 10,000-word roadmap to promote #SustainableDevelopment, end #deforestation and fight the #OrganisedCrime that fuels it." #ClimateCrisis
#Amazon nations launch alliance to protect #rainforest at key summit | #Environment News | Al Jazeera
#environment #rainforest #amazon #climatecrisis #organisedcrime #deforestation #sustainabledevelopment #amazonriver #belem #venezuela #Suriname #peru #guyana #ecuador #colombia #brazil #bolivia
Para o pessoal de Belém
Sábado - 05/08, as 19h30 Saída às 20h Concentração no Hangar 🚲A Bicicletada dos Diálogos Amazônicos é iniciativa parte do projeto Pedalar é Preciso, a Amazônia é Necessária!
#massacritica #criticalmass #Bicicletada #belém #amazonia #bicicleta
#massacritica #criticalmass #bicicletada #belem #amazonia #bicicleta
Lighthouse & Padrao Dos Descobrimentos Belem Portugal 21 March 2023. After the crowds of tourists thinned, I snapped these in the golden lighting of sunset. #Belem #Portugal #PadraoDosDescobrimentos #Photography #SilentSunday
#belem #portugal #padraodosdescobrimentos #photography #silentsunday
Today's poem, by Bernadine Evaristo
#poetry #brazil #rio #amazon #belem #manaus #london #heritage #race #history #connection #journey #identity #BernadineEvaristo
#poetry #brazil #rio #amazon #belem #manaus #london #heritage #race #history #connection #journey #identity #bernadineevaristo
Congratulations to Brazil and President #Lula for being selected to host COP30 in Belém, Brazil in 2025! COP30 in Belém is an opportunity for meaningful dialogue, cooperation and innovative solutions. #COP30 #ClimateLeadership #Brazil #Amazon #Belem
#COP30 #climateleadership #lula #brazil #amazon #belem
🇧🇷 Brésil : le président Lula annonce que la COP30 aura lieu à Belem, en Amazonie 📰
#RevuedePresse #politique #international #Bresil #Lula #Amazonie #Belem #COP30
#revuedepresse #politique #international #bresil #lula #amazonie #belem #cop30
Falta a favor do #CFOsBelenenses e um apoio gigantesco vindo das bancadas. A bola chega à área da #UDLeiria e apesar de o ataque não ter resultado, o #Belém continua com a bola e a ocupar o meio-campo dos leirienses. #Liga3
#cfosbelenenses #udleiria #belem #liga3
To Portugal for today's #PhotoOfTheDay and the monument to the discoveries, Padrão dos Descobrimentos, that stands on the banks of the river Tagus in Bélem. Around the edge of the monument are a series of statues following Henry the Navigator.
#photography #monument #statue #portugal #lisbon #bélem #travel
#photooftheday #photography #monument #statue #portugal #lisbon #belem #travel
Para quem passeia cães (ou crianças) por Belém... Cuidado que chegaram as lagartas do pinheiro / processionárias
#lisboa #belem #processionaria
#lisboa #belem #processionaria #lagartadopinheiro
Ecopark Açaí
Contato com a natureza amazônica, piscinas com águas naturais, fazenda, trilhas e arvorismo são algumas das atrações que o Ecopark Açaí oferece aos habitantes de Pará e turistas.
#Aquáticos #arvorismo #Belém #EcoparkAçaí #Pará #SantaIzabeldoPará
#aquaticos #arvorismo #belem #ecoparkacai #para #santaizabeldopara
@noahshachtman The Pastis shop is a tourist mecca. We went on a Saturday morning and got out to #Belem early and went straight there from the tram stop. There was a short line inside, where we waited for about 10 minutes and were shown into another of their many rooms. The service was good. By the time we left Belem a few hour later, the queue was outside and around the block! #Tip #Lisbon: start early!!!