But, as the tide dropped, the day brightened, and once the chalk beds were exposed I did get #echinoid, #belemnite and #coral #fossils from the exposure.
And later learned that the next bay up yielded a baby mammoth tooth the day before ... It could have been me!
#echinoid #coral #fossils #belemnite
"If you are looking for a children’s book as a gift idea for the festive season, “The Plesiosaur’s Neck” is highly recommended"
My children's book has been featured on the Everything Dinosaur Blog: https://blog.everythingdinosaur.com/blog/_archives/2022/11/20/the-plesiosaurs-neck-encouraging-young-readers.html
#ThePlesiosaursNeck #plesiosaur #dinosaur #book #ammonite #belemnite #ChildrensBook @JonathanEmmett
#ThePlesiosaursNeck #plesiosaur #dinosaur #book #ammonite #belemnite #childrensbook