Below you see probably the first reference in academia to my #Snark findings: "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements" by #MarysaDemoor, Springer Nature, 2022-03-21.
Prof. Deemor used my findings without specifying her source.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraerts #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #BelgianHistory #BritishHistory #CrossCultural #SpringerNature #ReligSnark
(Image from
#religsnark #springernature #crosscultural #britishhistory #belgianhistory #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #MarcusGheeraerts #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marysademoor #snark
This perhaps is the first reference in academia to my #Snark findings: "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements" by #MarysaDemoor, Springer Nature, 2022-03-21.
Very strangely, Prof. Deemor did not specify her source.
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #LewisCarroll #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraerts #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #LiteraryFantastic #BelgianHistory #BritishHistory #CrossCultural #SpringerNature
(Image from
#springernature #crosscultural #britishhistory #belgianhistory #literaryfantastic #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #MarcusGheeraerts #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marysademoor #snark