Today’s #AdventBeer pick takes us on a visit to #TheLostAbbey of San Marcos, California, a subsidiary of Port Brewing specializing in #BelgianStyle and premium beers. The Lost Abbey offers a number of seasonals and for today we’re focusing on Gnoel de Abbey.
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#ChristmasBeer #adventcalender #craftbeer #beer #belgianstyle #thelostabbey #adventbeer
This week, #CruxFermentationProject provided me with two of its recent beers: Tough Love Barrel-Aged #ImperialStout and Doublecross Dark Belgian-Style Ale. Tough Love is the 10th anniversary edition of the Banished series stout, aged in Kentucky bourbon barrels.
#Beer #CraftBeer #BarrelAged #BourbonBarrels #Brewery #BelgianStyle
#belgianstyle #brewery #bourbonbarrels #barrelaged #craftbeer #beer #imperialstout #CruxFermentationProject
Georgia’s #WildHeavenBeer released its Valley of Gold recently, a #BelgianStyle #PaleAle that the brewery created as an homage to #Orval, calling it (not inaccurately) “one of the greatest beers ever brewed.”
#beer #orval #PaleAle #belgianstyle #WildHeavenBeer