Suizid nach Impf-Folgen – doch für Blick- und Tagi-Journalisten war's Long Covid - Inside Paradeplatz
I just found out a woman was grooming her kid to go and fuck R Kelly...
No jailtime
A pornstar got an Trump in legal trouble for consensual sex.
2 whores got Tate and his brother jailed for for 4 months and got their houses raided.
No jail time for hoes. #believeallwomen
A teacher RAPED a kid and got pregnant and now the rape victim owes child support to his abuser.
Do not fucking @ me
#believeallwomen #HOESAREWINNING
Woman Who Created “Sexual Harassers” List Settles $1.5 Million Defamation Suit
It is about woman spreading rumors about men on the internet.
#believeallwomen #women #womensrights
@Stahesh you need to add to this post #believeallwomen #women #womensrights
#believeallwomen #women #womensrights
Speaking on minimizing victims who speak out, aTheNation: "how did we plummet so rapidly from a world of #BelieveAllWomen to #AmberHeardIsALiar, from #MeToo to Meta muzzling?" #domesticviolence #MeToo #AmberHeard
#believeallwomen #AmberHeardIsALiar #metoo #domesticviolence #amberheard
Speaking on minimizing victims who speak out, aTheNation: "how did we plummet so rapidly from a world of #BelieveAllWomen to #AmberHeardIsALiar, from #MeToo to Meta muzzling?" #domesticviolence #MeToo #AmberHeard
#believeallwomen #AmberHeardIsALiar #metoo #domesticviolence #amberheard
@ClownWorldDan My young bloke is an up and coming footballer. One of the teaching processes the club puts the boys through is handling themselves when out and about. They will attract a lot of attention from young women whose motives are less than pure. This is a side of the conversation that is simply not had in the mainstream. They (the media) don't want to contend with a narrative that contests the notion of #believeallwomen.
She told police Bryant raped her with a hand around her throat as she cried. Bryant said, “You’re not gonna tell anybody, right,” she recalled in her police interview. The woman told police she was physically hurt and bled a small amount, the affidavit said.
#kobebryant #metoo #believeallwomen
Breaking News! A dude beat some chicks in swimming. #believeallwomen
BREAKING NEWS: Trans swimmer Lia Thomas wins NCAA 500 yard freestyle
So #BelieveAllWomen rears its ugly head yet again, and Emmett Till, after all these years, still gets no justice.
Justice Department Finds No Proof Emmett Till’s Accuser Lied | The Daily Wire