#MidnightMass on #Netflix depicts the corruption of a small town’s #faith, from lukewarm #Catholicism to #fanaticism. With the exception of its use of literal plagues and monsters, this series represents #Christian #radicalization frighteningly well. Writer and director Mike Flanagan’s commentary on the utility of #religious faith echoes what many former #believers, like myself, have learned in our experiences with religious radicalization.
#midnightmass #netflix #faith #catholicism #fanaticism #christian #radicalization #religious #believers
The #Inconsistency Of #Christian Living
#phophecy #atheism #deconversion #deconstruction #christians #fundies #religion #inconsistencies #cognitive #freethought #jesus #bible #apostlePaul #NT #christianity #mythology #believers #ethics
#inconsistency #christian #phophecy #atheism #deconversion #deconstruction #christians #fundies #religion #inconsistencies #cognitive #freethought #jesus #bible #apostlepaul #nt #christianity #mythology #believers #ethics
Why Critical Scholarship on the #Gospels Helps *#Believers* in the #Bible
#religion #sundayschool #christianity
#gospels #believers #bible #religion #sundayschool #christianity
The Competition for #Believers in #Africa Is Transforming #Christianity and #Islam
#believers #africa #christianity #islam
#Believers IGNORE this BASIC FACT: The #Documentary #Hypothesis and it's critics.
#christian #christianity #mythology #bible #apologists
#believers #documentary #hypothesis #christian #christianity #mythology #bible #apologists
🔧 April 24, 2023 The Devil’s On The Loose!: The organization is as much a theater of American satire as it is a place for #believers. - nbcnews
"How I Won a #Disinformation Battle — But Lost the War"
A firsthand lesson of how and why disinformation spreads, why it's so sticky in the #minds of deluded #believers, and how to fight back.
#disinformation #minds #believers
They're going after #believers #FBI #Christianity #persecution
#persecution #Christianity #fbi #believers
I read #today that traditional and ancient #Taoists believed that people who dreamed regular dreams were imperfect #believers. #Men who had returned themselves to their #natural states would have #dreamless sleep. Although they would have conversations with #deities or immortals. So...
Last night I had a #dream that I went through my son's #backpack and every graded piece of school work had a grade between 20-35.
You be the #judge.
#today #taoists #believers #men #natural #dreamless #deities #dream #backpack #judge
Hello, Universeodon! I've moved from the .party instance.
On Twitter I was known as NooYawk Atheist@reasonandlogic.
I'm interested in discussions with #theists and other #believers in the #supernatural about how they reach #belief and if they are using an unreliable method like #faith.
#introduction #theists #believers #supernatural #belief #faith #music #guitar #movies #baseball #yankees #Dogs
#Bible #Believers:
"The rabbit, though it chews the cud" << Got your inerrant word of #god right here, folks.
#bible #believers #god #atheist #faith
The Very, Very Large Conspiracy
You can't reason with #believers who are convinced absolute #evil beings exist, and point out there is no absolute good and evil; the evidence shows evil actions are committed by humans alone, many of them only too likely to place the responsibility for their actions on invisible #demonic scapegoats.
#Atheists accept you cannot prove the non-existence of anything. If you state something exists, you have to provide proof. IMO this is the crucial difference which cannot be settled easily.
#Believers are not good or bad because of their faith. Each individual is good or bad based on its actions compared to moral contexts.
The problem I have with religion is not the religion itself it’s the humans who claim interpretational sovereignty. This makes me an #antitheist mostly.
#atheists #believers #antitheist
Little children (believers, dear ones), let us not love [merely in theory] with word or with tongue [giving lip service to compassion], but in action and in truth [in practice and in sincerity, because practical acts of love are more than words].
I John 3:18
#Scripture #believers #bible #GodBless
#scripture #believers #bible #godbless
The worst believers are the ones who think people should be willing to die for their beliefs.