A third accuser, who was identified as N. Trout & who was raped in 2003, did not tell the church of #Scientology but shared it w/her mother & best friend. “If you have a #legal situation w/another member of the church, you may not handle it externally from the church, & it’s very explicit,” she said, acc/to court documents. She added that she “felt sufficiently intimidated by the repercussions.”
#scientology #legal #believesurvivors #rape #dannymasterson
One accuser, who was identified as Christina B. & who said #Masterson raped her in 2001 when they were in a relationship, reported the #rape to the church’s “ethics officer,” acc/to court documents. That officer told her, …“You can’t rape someone that you’re in a relationship with” & “Don’t say that word again.”
#masterson #rape #believesurvivors
The mixed #verdict was delivered after a #jury deadlocked on all 3 charges in Nov, resulting in a mistrial.
The retrial this spring lasted more than a month before #Masterson was found #guilty of 2 counts of #rape by #force or #fear.
…two of the women had accused the Church of #Scientology, to which they also belonged, of discouraging them from reporting the rapes to the authorities. The church denied that it pressured the victims.
#verdict #jury #masterson #guilty #rape #force #fear #scientology #believesurvivors
The case against #Masterson drew widespread attention, & at times mirrored a television saga, in part because of accusations that the Church of #Scientology, to which Masterson belongs, had tried to discourage his accusers.
In May, Masterson was #convicted of raping 2 women at his home in the Hollywood Hills in the early 2000s. The jury deadlocked on a charge that the actor had raped a third woman.
#masterson #scientology #convicted #believesurvivors #rape
#DannyMasterson, the actor known for his role in the sitcom “That ’70s Show,” was #sentenced to 30 years to life in #prison on Thurs for the #rapes of two women….
Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo of Los Angeles Superior Court handed the #sentence down after hearing the testimonies of the women, who described the lasting impact of #Masterson’s actions on their lives….
#BelieveSurvivors #Rape #Scientology
#dannymasterson #sentenced #prison #rapes #sentence #masterson #believesurvivors #rape #scientology
McCarrick, the former #archbishop of #Washington, had been charged w/ assaulting a 16-year-old boy in 1974. He was the highest-ranking #Catholic official in the country to face criminal charges for alleged #SexAbuse. McCarrick, 93, still faces a #criminal #SexualAbuse charge, against the same alleged victim, in #Wisconsin.
#archbishop #washington #catholic #sexabuse #criminal #sexualabuse #wisconsin #law #legal #justice #believesurvivors
What People Misunderstand About #Rape
#SexualAssault often goes unpunished when victims fail to fight back. But investigators, psychologists & biologists all describe freezing as an involuntary response to #trauma.
#rape #sexualassault #trauma #believesurvivors
Judge Throws Out Trump’s #Countersuit Against #EJeanCarroll
#Trump had accused Carroll of #defamation for her repeated assertions that he had raped her…. In May, a jury found that Ms. Carroll had proved that Trump sexually abused her, but stopped short of finding him liable for #rape.
#BelieveSurvivors #SexualAbuse
#countersuit #ejeancarroll #trump #defamation #rape #believesurvivors #sexualabuse
The law set up a 2yr process for the #DOD to create a cadre of special prosecutors….The Offices of Special Trial Counsel, …will be…experienced #military #prosecutors who will report to the #civilian leaders of the military’s branches.
The final step needed to change the Uniform Code of #MilitaryJustice under the #law was a presidential #ExecutiveOrder. Lawmakers directed Biden to issue it by 12/2023. …Biden did so Fri, 5 mos ahead of the deadline.…
#dod #military #prosecutors #civilian #militaryjustice #law #executiveorder #sexualassault #believesurvivors
President #Biden Overhauls #MilitaryJusticeCode, Seeking to Curb #SexualAssault
The largest overhaul of the Uniform Code of #Military #Justice since its creation in 1950 removes commanders’ authority to decide whether to pursue #charges in cases of sexual abuse & a handful of other serious #crimes. Instead, that decision will fall to the new, specialized #lawyers….
#law #BelieveSurvivors
#biden #militaryjusticecode #sexualassault #military #justice #charges #crimes #lawyers #law #believesurvivors
Presidency Doesn’t Shield #Trump From #Carroll’s Suit, #Justice Dept. Says
In a reversal, the #DOJ said it could no longer argue that Donald Trump was acting in his official capacity when he insulted the writer #EJeanCarroll.
#BelieveSurvivors #SexualAssault #Rape #Defamation #Law
#trump #carroll #justice #doj #ejeancarroll #believesurvivors #sexualassault #rape #defamation #law
“Several Horatio Alger friends also helped finance the marketing of a hagiographic documentary about #ClarenceThomas in the wake of an HBO film that had resurfaced #AnitaHill’s #SexualHarassment allegations against him during his confirmation.
#Whitewashing #SexualHarassment #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Law #Greed
#clarencethomas #anitahill #sexualharassment #whitewashing #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #scotus #privilege #power #law #greed
“On Oct. 15, 1991, #ClarenceThomas secured his seat on the #SupremeCourt, a narrow victory after a bruising confirmation fight that left him isolated & disillusioned.”
(Ahem, old enough to remember that it was women who were the ones left feeling “isolated & disillusioned” post the Clarence Thomas confirmation.)
#SexualHarassment #SecondClassCitizens #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights
#HoratioAlgerAssociation #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Justice #Law
#clarencethomas #supremecourt #sexualharassment #secondclasscitizens #anitahill #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #horatioalgerassociation #scotus #privilege #power #justice #law
Judge rules #EJeanCarroll can seek more #damages from #Trump
#Defamation #SexualAssault #Rape #BelieveSurvivors #Justice #DOJ #Accountability
#ejeancarroll #damages #trump #defamation #sexualassault #rape #believesurvivors #justice #doj #accountability
6 complainants from #LakeBabine #FirstNation took their concerns on #RCMP #investigation to #Canadian #HumanRights Commission in 2016 & commission referred complaint for #inquiry in 2020. In years since, awaiting their hearing, 3 complainants & 1 witness have died.
#Indigenous #NativeCanada #DefundRCMP #DefundRCMP #SystematicRacism #BurnsLake #PrinceGeorge #BritishColumbia #Canada #NativeJustice #SocialJustice #ResidentialSchools #BelieveSurvivors #EveryChildMatters
#lakebabine #firstnation #rcmp #investigation #canadian #humanrights #inquiry #indigenous #nativecanada #defundrcmp #SystematicRacism #burnslake #PrinceGeorge #britishcolumbia #canada #nativejustice #socialjustice #residentialschools #believesurvivors #everychildmatters
Kaplan, who kept her cool & didn’t respond to Trump’s repeated personal attacks against her, asked him if he felt that stars could actually grab women “by the pussy.”
“Historically that’s true with stars. If you look over the last million years, that’s largely true, unfortunately—or fortunately,” he said.
Kaplan followed up by asking if Trump considers himself a star.
“Yeah,” he acknowledged.
#Rape #SexualAssault #BelieveSurvivors
#LockHimUp #TrumpIsARapist
#rape #sexualassault #believesurvivors #lockhimup #trumpisarapist
“She’s not my type… it’s not politically correct to say it. I know that, but I’ll say it anyway,” #Trump said.
He later turned to #EJeanCarroll’s atty, Roberta Kaplan (& said),
“You wouldn’t be a choice of mine either.”
In the video, which was shown to the 9-panel jury, Trump was forced to rewatch the infamous leaked 2005 #AccessHollywoodTape in which he boasted about abusing his status to sexually assault women because you can “grab ‘em by the pussy.”
#trump #ejeancarroll #accesshollywoodtape #rape #sexualassault #believesurvivors
#Trump Says Stars Get Away With #SexualAssault —‘Unfortunately or Fortunately’
The Manhattan jury that will decide whether Trump raped journalist #EJeanCarroll finally heard from the former president on Thurs—but only through videotaped testimony in which he smugly kept dishing out brutish one-liners.
#Rape #SexualAssault #BelieveSurvivors
#trump #sexualassault #ejeancarroll #rape #believesurvivors
#Trump was also asked more generally if he had been seeing women outside of his first marriage, & he responded, “I don’t know.”
So the man who engaged in one of the most famous & widely reported-upon affairs in American history apparently isn’t sure whether the timeline qualifies it as an extramarital affair.
#trump #rape #sexualassault #believesurvivors
At one point, #EJeanCarroll’s attorney asked #Trump a basic factual question: “Isn’t it true that you were seeing Ms. Maples before you were divorced from Ivana Trump?”
Trump responded, amazingly, “I don’t know,” in the sworn deposition. “It was towards the end of the marriage. So I don’t know, really. It could be a lapover, but I don’t really know.”
(It is not clear what a “lapover” means, but we’re guessing it refers to overlap.)
#ejeancarroll #trump #rape #sexualassault #believesurvivors