Posted @withregram • @savedbythebellhooks .
Caption: Our imagination is where our strength to resist lies.
—Uncut Funk: A Contemplative Dialogue
#bellhooks #savedbythebell #bellhooksquotes #screech #elvis #angelsintheoutfield #uncutfunk #acontemplativedialogue #stuarthall #savedbythebellhooks
#bellhooks #savedbythebell #bellhooksquotes #Screech #elvis #angelsintheoutfield #uncutfunk #acontemplativedialogue #StuartHall #savedbythebellhooks
Mañá 19 de agosto presentamos a tradución do libro de #bellhooks A VONTADE DE CAMBIAR. HOMES, MACULINIDADE E AMOR, publicado por #Laiovento, no marco da IX Feira do libro de Ribadeo. Letras no Campo, ás 19h. Coa presenza de Montse Pena Presas, profesora da USC
Morning reading of a chapter in "Rock Your Soul" by bell hooks that mirrors the continued landscape of education in schools. The shock of seeing these programs needs to be followed up with freedom schools (we got that going in St. Petersburg in #Florida, more are coming - it is expensive and hard but doable).
Relying on institutions that enabled segregation with no explicit attempt to decolonize the curriculum across the board (from kindergarten to PhD levels) will do nothing but repeat these behaviors ad infinitum.
#florida #bellhooks #Education #radicalpedagogy #amreading
Quote on #design, from #bellhooks' blog in Lion's Roar #buddhist journal, from Japanese sculptor and designer Isamu Noguchi
To follow...
"A commonly accepted assumption in a patriarchal culture is that love can be present in a situation where one group or individual dominates another. Many people believe men can dominate women and children yet still be loving."
#BellHooks #AllAboutLove #patriarchy #AmReading #bookstodon @bookstodon #love #domination #relationships #parenting #marriage
#bellhooks #allaboutlove #patriarchy #amreading #bookstodon #love #domination #relationships #parenting #marriage
A défaut de pouvoir satisfaire mes désirs dans le réel, mon inconscient m'a gâtée cette nuit. C'est très bien comme ça car les sensations vécues en rêve sont bien réelles. Ce à quoi j'ajoute, ce qui n'a pas grand chose à voir - quoique -, que si tu veux que ton couple tienne, ne lis jamais bell hooks, excepté si ton homme a la curiosité de la lire avec toi #EditionsDivergences #bellhooks
#editionsdivergences #bellhooks
OnlineFirst - "Towards abolitionist agrarian geographies of Kentucky" by Garrett Graddy-Lovelace:
#agriculture #bellhooks #feministpoliticalecology #BreonnaTaylor #ruralurbandichotomy
#agriculture #bellhooks #feministpoliticalecology #BreonnaTaylor #ruralurbandichotomy
@uichelorraine En quel temps vivons nous ? Nous sommes près de 8 milliards, les ressources diminuent et META donne à la police une discussion sur un avortement et la justice condamne la mère et la fille qui était mineure au moment des faits.
Incroyable ! 🙄😡
Je vous invite à lire le livre de #bellhooks La volonté de changer sur le patriarcat vous y verrez les racines du "mal". 😌🙏
Mikki Kendall recuerda el trabajo imborrable y la complejidad total de bell hooks
Cuando hooks escribió sobre el poder y cómo las relaciones de poder se construy
#CulturaCineYTelevisin #Antirracismo #FeminismoNegro #Feminismos #Libros #ReferentesNegros #afrodescendientes #Afrofminas #afrofeminismo #antirracismo #BellHooks #dispora #FeminismoNegro #MikkiKendall #MujerNegra
#culturacineytelevisin #antirracismo #feminismonegro #feminismos #libros #referentesnegros #afrodescendientes #afrofminas #afrofeminismo #bellhooks #dispora #mikkikendall #mujernegra
@lemondefr plutôt que de lutter contre le wokisme, peut être pourrions nous lutter contre le patriarcat.
Voila un livre qui permet de démonter son mécanisme et ses effets et on peut ainsi mettre en face les crimes de masse d'adolescents, les émeutes de banlieues et la violence terrible qui habite toutes les sphères de la société.
Voila un livre à mettre entre toutes les mains de tous les genres.
#wokisme #patriarcat #violence #bellhooks
"Earlier in my life I read books about love and never thought about the gender of the writer. Eager to understand what we mean when we speak of love, I did not really consider the extent to which gender shaped a writer's perspective. It was only when I began to think seriously about the subject of love and to write about it that I pondered whether women do this differently from men."
#BellHooks #AllAboutLove @bookstodon
Similar to my realization about how race affects people's writing.
I found this sad copy of #AllAboutLove by #BellHooks in a local #LittleFreeLibrary . It's been on my TBR for a while, so I've collected this one so it will be read one last time before being put to rest. But these pages are heartbreaking.
#allaboutlove #bellhooks #littlefreelibrary #amreading
Que saibades que este ano estaremos na #SELIC cun posto que compartimos con Edicións do Cerne. E tamén teremos actividades con algúns dos nosos libros. Comezamos o luns 12 de xuño coa tradución do libro de #bellhooks A VONTADE DE CAMBIAR. HOMES, MASCULINIDADE E AMOR. Agardámosvos!
"What we cannot imagine cannot come into being"
What future are you imagining and working to build? How can we imagine it together, so it's safe, equitable, abundant for everyone?
Crucial questions to explore.
Join us 10-11 June for our #TransformOurFuture North West gathering, to help us shape the journey:
#bellhooks #imagination #communityaction #future #climateaction #socialjustice #transitiontowns #transition
#transformourfuture #bellhooks #imagination #CommunityAction #future #ClimateAction #socialjustice #transitiontowns #transition
"…boys and men have been programmed from birth on to believe that at some point they must be violent, whether psychologically or physically, to prove that they are men."
– bell hooks
#masculinity #bellhooks #raykahn
Neste libro #bellhooks convoca os homes para o cambio e chama as mulleres a axudar nesa transformación. Preséntasenos, xa que logo, unha nova masculinidade. Unha masculinidade feminista. Debemos matar o home patriarcal para que agrome o novo home feminista.
“True resistance begins with people confronting pain...and wanting to do something to change it."
- bell hooks
#Quote #Feminist #Feminism #bellhooks (not mixed case because she wanted her name always lower case) #Resistance #Change
#quote #feminist #feminism #bellhooks #resistance #change
RT @tmccormick
@seyeabimbola @JME_BMJ @DrishtiEthics @FreyJephcott @Supriya_S5 @Sydney_CHS @docVRK @syd_health @SydHealthEthics @paimadhu @emilie_skb @HLSColeman "Marginality is much more than a site of deprivation…It is also the site of radical possibility…it nourishes one's capacity to resist. It offers the possibility of radical perspectives from which to see & create, to imagine alternatives, new worlds."
—#bellhooks, "Marginality…
No web de #Laiovento xa podedes ver os detalles do libro de #bellhooks A VONTADE DE CAMBIAR: HOMES, MASCULINIDADE E AMOR, así como ler a introdución que Xosé Cabido escribiu para esta tradución