Wczoraj przyszedł mi plecak #bellroy Venture, w życiu nie miałem w łapkach tak dobrze zrobionego plecaka :catjamright: (wcale nie doktoryzowałem się z plecaków przed kupieniem go...)
Finally got a new #Bellroy #wallet. My old one is over 10 years old and has held up well for spending the last 4000 or so days in my front pocket. A couple years ago the leather pull on the zipper broke off & I happen to have a YKK zipper pull so I put that on. The corner where the hole is started maybe a year ago. Decided to go green this time since it just seems to be my color. Here’s to 10 more years.
Bellroy’s New “Via” Backpack http://toolsandtoys.net/bellroy-via-backpack/ #minimalistbackpacks #bellroyviabackpack #minimalistbackpack #commuterbackpacks #commuterbackpack #bellroybackpack #minimalistbags #minimalistbag #commuterbags #commuterbag #viabackpack #bellroyvia #backpacks #backpacks #backpack #backpack #bellroy #Bags #bags #Bag
#minimalistbackpacks #bellroyviabackpack #minimalistbackpack #commuterbackpacks #commuterbackpack #bellroybackpack #minimalistbags #minimalistbag #commuterbags #commuterbag #viabackpack #bellroyvia #backpacks #backpack #bellroy #bags #bag
Musím poděkovat rodičům za skvělý narozeninový dárek. Oproti mým předchozím peněženkám je to docela upgrade a ani si ji nemusím nijak upravovat, aby mi seděla. #bellroy #slimwallet
Nouvel article sur le blog : Bellroy tech briefcase : un classique qui fonctionne
Love this color from Bellroy. It's definitely worth the wait. Now, I see why this color is always sold out. #Bellroy #Bluestone #MadeByGoogle #Pixel7Pro
#bellroy #bluestone #madebygoogle #Pixel7Pro
My old wallet was a #Bellroy Hide & Seek, and it was GREAT.
But when they added #RFID protection, they got rid of that little hidden pocket where I put my metro card, and they didn't consider a commuter card slot outside the RFID envelope at all. I emailed them to ask, and their RFID protection is all or nothing 🙁