#BellX1, The Upswing
#10cc, Rubber Bullets
#WendyandLisa, Reaching One
#GaryLucas, Fellini's Casanova/Rosemary's Baby
#WilsonPickett, Come Home Baby
#EvenDozenJugBand, Evolution Mama
#Spoon, Got Nuffin
#SmokeyRobinson & #TheMiracles, More Love
#CamperVanBeethoven, Processional
#campervanbeethoven #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #spoon #evendozenjugband #wilsonpickett #garylucas #WendyAndLisa #10cc #bellx1 #TheMorningLine
And again on Saturday night. So much love for this band.
#dublin #vicarstreet #bellx1 #dowrystrings
Dowry Strings playing the intro to the first song of the evening on Thursday in Vicar St, before #BellX1 joined them on stage. It was a feckin’ great gig. I only discovered by accident in a FB post from the group today that Éna Brennan put Dowry Strings together specifically to collaborate with the band. #music #concerts
Saw the wonderful BellX1 and Dowry Strings at Vicar Street last night. Always special to be back at that magical venue.
#bellx1 #dowrystrings #dublin #vicarstreet
Back in my beloved Vicar St last night for the first time in far too long. A treat of a gig with #BellX1 and #DowryStrings. The Live at St Luke's album is out today too. 😍
It was a lovely evening of music from #BellX1 with Dowry Strings in Vicar St last night.
BellX1 is one of my favorite bands. One of the reasons is how clever and often profound their lyrics are. I mean how can anyone not smile when hearing, "I'm not over you, can I get back under." Another favorite is "I believe if push came you'd shove me." My favorite lyric though and how I most often feel, "More than a body but less than a soul, gotta find me something to fill this hole." #bellx1