Give us #solutions, please!
You list the *symptoms, then ask the weak to do something.
The true cause is that politicians are beholden to big donors, whether #wallstreet or #billionares, and it is very human to feel obligated when given gifts. Especially big ones.
Remove #bigmoney from #politics, make politicians beholden to the voters again. Even the Democrats don't have the stomach for that, sadly.
Think of a solution for the money problem, how to reverse or work around the #Citizensunited decision. Then advise those that could make it happen.
#Bellyaching about what is, when politicians act like, well... politicians, without laying out a plan annoys your audience and frustrates the preacher.
#solutions #wallstreet #billionares #bigmoney #politics #citizensunited #bellyaching
Everyone #bellyaching about the #Mastodon #learningcurve needs to remember #twitter was 'hard' at first. It got easy because you learned it. This will get easier too.
Also you were trained to think being manipulated & #attention_raped, often by bots, was normal. You were trained to think #commodifying & #monetising every online encounter was normal. It is not.
Now you need to learn to socialise with others w/o asking to be paid for it or holding up begging notices 'will eat dirt for likes'.
#monetising #commodifying #attention_raped #Twitter #learningcurve #Mastodon #bellyaching