What's this, some semblance of a work-life balance? An excellent evening with lovely food and grand comedy courtesy #BellyLaughs in Brizzle.
5:50am train back through the floods... less good. Send boats.
Still not sure if this graph charts user growth or my own oxytocin levels over the past few days...
Either way? I have #JohnMastadon to thank.
#johnmastadon #forrealz #bellylaughs #hilarity #joy #creativity #community #equanimity #mentalhealth
Still not sure if this graph charts user growth or my own oxytocin levels over the past few days...
Either way? I have #JohnMastadon to thank.
#johnmastadon #forrealz #bellylaughs #hilarity #joy #creativity #community #equanimity #mentalhealth