I‘m hibernating my #twitter for a long inter-soular deep-space travel through the unconsciousness vast void of #BeLoneMust‘s „ES“. May the 21st. Century-Freud & its 1.500 writing apes & counting sheep be the countdown for this long journey to Priceless Irulan & John Mastodan.
#BeLoneMust #PrincessIrulan #JohnMastodon #ElonPadawan #Neurakink #TeslaShrink #TwitterZitter #SpaceEx #actualCrisisIsBiosphereEmergency #SpaceshipEarth
#twitter #belonemust #princessirulan #johnmastodon #elonpadawan #neurakink #teslashrink #twitterzitter #spaceex #actualcrisisisbiosphereemergency #spaceshipearth
I‘m hibernating my #twitter for a long inter-soular deep-space travel through the unconsciousness vast void of #BeLoneMust‘s „ES“. May the 21st. Century-Freud & its 1.500 writing apes & counting sheep be the countdown for this long journey to Priceless Irulan & John Mastodan.
#BeLoneMust #PrincessIrulan #JohnMastodon #ElonPadawan #Neurakink #TeslaShrink #TwitterZitter #actualCrisisIsBiosphereEmergengy #SpaceshipEarth #
#twitter #belonemust #princessirulan #johnmastodon #elonpadawan #neurakink #teslashrink #twitterzitter #actualcrisisisbiosphereemergengy #spaceshipearth
I‘m hibernating my #twitter for a long inter-soular deep-space travel through the unconsciousness vast void of #BeLoneMust‘s „ES“. May the 21st. Century-Freud & its 1.500 writing apes & counting sheep be the countdown for this long journey to Priceless Irulan & John Mastodan.
#BeLoneMust #PrincessIrulan #ElonPadawan #Neurakink #TeslaShrink #TwitterZitter #actualCrisisIsBiosphereEmergengy #SpaceshipEarth
#twitter #belonemust #princessirulan #elonpadawan #neurakink #teslashrink #twitterzitter #actualcrisisisbiosphereemergengy #spaceshipearth
I‘m hibernating my #twitter for a long inter-soular deep-space travel through the unconsciousness vast void of #BeLoneMust‘ s „ES“. May the 21st. Century-Freud & its 1.500 writing apes & counting sheep be the countdown for this long journey to Priceless Irulan & John Mastodan. #BeLoneMust #johnmastodon #PrincessIrulan #ElonPadawan #Neurakink
#twitter #belonemust #johnmastodon #princessirulan #elonpadawan #neurakink
#BeLoneMust is an intelligent & a very successful entrepreneur. Being in his position I am sure that he has read #EdwardBernays work. This implies that his current public relations presented on #twitter intend to create an environment / situation that will bring people / target groups to act in a way that he wants them to act. So, what does he want? What‘s his scheme? What do you think?
#belonemust #edwardbernays #twitter