Vlad Temper · @VladTemper
557 followers · 372 posts · Server mastorol.es

1. Great Game(s) Played this year by the first time. Juego(s) increíble(s) jugado(s) por primera vez este año. Jeu(x) incroyable(s) joué(s) par prémière fois cette année.

#septemberrpg #ttrpg #jdr #juegosderol #Spire #spirerpg #spirettrpg #cantrip #cantriprpg #bob #belongingoutsidebelonging #BrindlewoodBay #pbta #carvedfrombrindlewood

Last updated 1 year ago

Yohann · @Yohann
100 followers · 406 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Day 30: I've played my fair share of obscure published , so I'll focus on a the one with the most vivid memories: . In this / , we play the drama & tensions within a sport team. I particularly enjoy this theme and the 2 games I played were really fun!

#rpgaday2023 #ttrpgs #volleyboys #belongingoutsidebelonging #nodicenomaster #rpg #ttrpg #jdr #RPGaDay

Last updated 1 year ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
512 followers · 9697 posts · Server tkz.one

Apocalypse Keys es mi nueva obsesión hasta que pueda echarle la mano en español.

Un juego (sorprendente) sobre Monstruos capaces de desatar el Apocalipsis que pertenecen a una división que intenta evitarlo luchando contra otros monstruos.
y son obras que o han influenciado o se les reconoce el parecido.

El sistema toma las Keys de (eventos narrativos que dan +1 a una tirada posterior, lo hemos visto de otra forma en los ), los tramos alterados de (7- fallo, 8-9 éxito total, 10+ Éxito con consecuencias porque te pasaste de frenada), libretos-conflicto (como o : tu libreto codifica tu conflicto interno, no sólo cosas guachis), sistema se relaciones tipo Monsterhearts/AES, el contador paralelo de ruina de (un contador de experiencia que abre Movimientos muy poderosos pero al llenarse, en este caso, te transforma en un Desencadenante del Apocalipsis y eres tú al que hay que detener) y el sistema de misterio de (pistas abiertas que van ganando sentido al descubrirlas y una tirada de descubrir el misterio).

Osea, to lo que me gusta de los juegos que más me gustan

#pbta #hellboy #chainsawman #ecosdisonantes #belongingoutsidebelonging #librete #mask #lasavidasespadachinassaficas #sombrasurbanas #carvedfrombrindlewood

Last updated 1 year ago

Ce soir j'ai incarné Septembre, dans une partie des Couleurs de L'amitié, et c'était très sympa. Un JDR sans MJ et sans enjeu autre que tisser des liens émotionnels riches entre les personnages, c'est déroutant au début, mais agréable
On a fait un road trip en écosse
Les mécaniques minimales sont au service de la narration et du partage de temps de parole. Je regrette juste que les liens entre personnes soient aussi peu détaillées avant la partie, j'en aurais voulu +


Last updated 1 year ago

16. Jeu que vous souhaitez posséder
J'ai l'impression d'avoir assez de mais il m'arrive encore de craquer pour une nouveauté, un jeu qui sort de l'ordinaire
Ceux qui me font de l'oeil en ce moment sont les et autres
Jeudi soir normalement j'essaye
J'espère que je vous en dirai du bien

#BrindlewoodBay #belongingoutsidebelonging #poweredbytheapocalypse #jdr

Last updated 1 year ago

Yohann · @Yohann
94 followers · 335 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Day 03: the first game I purchased this year was a pdf of , a , with which you can emulate sports anime. The games I moderated with it were fun.

#jdr #rpg #ttrpg #belongingoutsidebelonging #volleyboys #rpgaday2023

Last updated 1 year ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
488 followers · 9038 posts · Server tkz.one
dan qui dam · @dan
232 followers · 174 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

Back to space with:

Legacy of the Lost

"isolation, danger and hyper-scarcity on a galactic scale. You have survived the catastrophe and now you do your best to survive in the void together."

"You and your crew have made it your goal to be the keepers of knowledge; to preserve the memories of the lost."

Find this BoB game in the Scifi bundle: itch.io/b/1790/sci-fi-is-the-b
& the author on: @raspilicious & aarongoss.itch.io

#scifibundle #ttrpg #bob #belongingoutsidebelonging #nodicenomasters

Last updated 1 year ago

Yohann · @Yohann
89 followers · 286 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Soirée basketball en ce soir avec qui fut intense et palpitante, riche en émotions et en rebondissements.
J'en ai encore un grand sourire aux lèvres!

#nodicenomaster #belongingoutsidebelonging #volleyboys #jdr

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrea (CuriousCat) · @curiouscat
118 followers · 191 posts · Server mastodon.pnpde.social

@Bartimaeus Ich finde, es kommt sehr drauf an - ich kenne Spiele, die sehr slice-of-life sind und welche, die es gar nicht sind. Dito für und und .

M.E. hat der Grad an Slice-of-Life mehr mit dem allgemeinen Thema und den konkreten Mechaniken des einzelnen Spiels zu tun und weniger mit dessen gesamter Designfamilie. Aber ja, alles, was mechanisch nicht von Natur aus kampfzentriert ist, bietet sich da natürlich eher an.

#descendedfromthequeen #belongingoutsidebelonging #firebrands #pbta

Last updated 2 years ago

Yohann · @Yohann
86 followers · 262 posts · Server toot.portes-imaginaire.org

Ce soir, j'ai vécu un excellent moment de en compagnie de @Khelren et de @matthieu_be. Au programme, du volleyball avec @VolleyBoys, un qui, malgré ses manques, m'a permis de passer une très bonne soirée.
Avoir enfin pu faire du jdr qui tourne autour du sport comble une envie que j'ai depuis plusieurs années.
Dans 3 semaines, ce sera basketball avec une autre équipe.

#belongingoutsidebelonging #jdr

Last updated 2 years ago

Glitch · @glitchontwitch
55 followers · 491 posts · Server ohai.social

“Perfect” is why I have 15 MonsterHearts 2 skin concepts and no completed skins.

It’s kind of funny that what might be my first completed game project is me translating a skin to another game— one I haven’t played yet.

#ttrpg #monsterhearts #belongingoutsidebelonging #teenagenightmare

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
376 followers · 3094 posts · Server tkz.one

@Zollber era un precursor de los Belonging Outside Belonging sin saberlo 😍

In English, Inocentes was a Spanish from 2007 which had a lot of features near to the

#ttrpg #belongingoutsidebelonging

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
322 followers · 2137 posts · Server tkz.one

So I built characters on Weak Moves as you can see in the games, or the Keys you can see in the great and also great, newer

But you don't get a Token in Suministros SL, you get a die.

You have a die bank, you can use to improve any roll.

So the classic 2D6+Stat didn't fit anymore.

I had a dice pool.

So I borrowed the die roll from

#belongingoutsidebelonging #uncannyechoes #apocalypsekeys #fitd

Last updated 2 years ago

Vlad Temper · @vladtemper
322 followers · 2157 posts · Server tkz.one

Everything begins with the feeling a Stat system cannot fit in regular people working in a store.
Everyone should increase Charisma and don't use Strength as the want to sell.

I needed another way to give them a roll bonus.

And I made a little of converging design with
But it was the fault of

#belongingoutsidebelonging #fate #ttrpg #gamedesign

Last updated 2 years ago

fan of fandom · @Marsh
20 followers · 367 posts · Server fanglitch.space

Beneath Our Own Flag is a rec! The game is inspired, among other things, by . It’s a game, a genre I adore. They’re (broadly): gmless (everyone plays a character and no one is in charge), use tokens to make moves instead of rolling dice, have PC playbooks constructed of picklists and moves, and setting elements everyone can control.
This is an ashcan/prototype, meaning here that it’s not fully complete (though it is playable!) and is in active development.

#ttrpg #ofmd #belongingoutsidebelonging

Last updated 2 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
152 followers · 1149 posts · Server seizemeans.com


Orbital is another no dice, no masters and belonging outside belonging game being Kickstarted. It's a Sci Fi RPG set on a space station and promises to deliver a fantastic narrative experience. And look at the popping art!

I've played a lot of D&D, and it works well for combat and crunchy play, but for story-focused gaming no dice, no masters is my preferred way to play.


#orbital #nodicenomasters #belongingoutsidebelonging

Last updated 4 years ago

Apollo Lemmon · @apollo
152 followers · 1149 posts · Server seizemeans.com


Wanderhome is a no dice, no masters game described as "a pastoral fantasy tabletop RPG about traveling animal-folk and the way they change with the seasons" that is being Kickstarted right now. There is a free playkit to get a taste of the game, but I think it's well worth backing for another game using the no dice, no masters game engine


#Wanderhome #tabletopgames #rpg #nodicenomasters #JayDragon #belongingoutsidebelonging

Last updated 4 years ago