Today in Labor History February 15, 1879: President Rutherford Hayes signed a bill allowing female attorneys to argue cases before the Supreme Court. That same year, Belva Lockwood, a women’s rights and suffrage activist, became the first woman to argue a case before the Supreme Court.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #feminism #SCOTUS #WomensRights #WomensSuffrage #BelvaLockwood
#workingclass #LaborHistory #feminism #SCOTUS #womensrights #womenssuffrage #belvalockwood
"In the years just after the Civil War, as women began joining the legal profession, only a handful of spirited applicants succeeded in breaking through the cultural barriers that made it difficult to train for the law or win bar membership [...] The hostility toward women with professional aspirations was so great that only the very brave pushed ahead."
#history #BelvaLockwood #lawyer #law #womensrights #minorityrights
#history #belvalockwood #lawyer #law #womensrights #minorityrights