Had the pleasure of seeing #TheWeekend at #TheBelvoir theatre this afternoon. Great performances, challenging but well worth it. I hope you can catch it. #belvoir #thearts #ArtsMatter
#theweekend #thebelvoir #belvoir #thearts #artsmatter
#Sydney people - if you can, please go see Maeve Marsden’s play Blessed Union at the #Belvoir! It is funny, astute, nuanced, moving, and so well written. It says something at once very particular about growing up in a lesbian family (and what happens when that context falls apart), but also something much more general about the institution of marriage and about families, and the contradictions of lefty white middle class Australia. It pokes fun gently, it does not deride or reduce complexities. It even has labour law and union jokes which were very particular, but oh how I laughed. https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101956472?fbclid=IwAR1-qFOSMJQp45oMd_UWRx8yQdUYd4S32twGb28SN36DWkNt2qga8KvwMgk #blessedunion
#sydney #belvoir #blessedunion
RT @HertsHuntSabs@twitter.com
Most 23 year olds are forging relationships and enjoying social interactions with their peers, not so this deviant.
Hartley Crouch, #CottesmoreHunt’s whipper-in, sacked by the #PytchleyHunt and rejected by the #Belvoir for this offence.
Odious creature
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HertsHuntSabs/status/1615399671521738768
#cottesmorehunt #pytchleyhunt #belvoir
I hope when the inevitable #SydneyTheatre awards or #CriticsAwards or whatever replaces the #Helpmanns are announced, that #Anandavalli's amazing performance as the matriarch Gowrie in #Belvoir's #JungleAndTheSea is nominated and wins. Her dance in the final scene when her family is finally reunited made me sob in the theatre. (Photo: Sriram Jeyaraman)
#sydneytheatre #criticsawards #helpmanns #anandavalli #belvoir #jungleandthesea