@FoxyLustyGrover @alex no #BenaAronovitch or #RiversOfLondon just yet but if you build it they *might* come
#benaaronovitch #riversoflondon
Die Flüsse von London 10 [deu]
Autor: Ben Aaronovitch, Celeste Bronfman, Andrew CartmelZeichner: José María BeroyTusche: David CabezaFarben: Jordi Escuin LlorachLetterer: Michael BeckÜbersetzung: Kerstin FrickeKaufen: Panini ShopErscheinungsda
#Comicsdeu #AndrewCartmel #BenAaronovitch #CelesteBronfman #DieFlsseVonLondon #JordiEscuinLlorach #JosMaraBeroy #KerstinFricke #MichaelBeck #Panini #PeterGrant
#comicsdeu #andrewcartmel #benaaronovitch #celestebronfman #dieflssevonlondon #jordiescuinllorach #josmaraberoy #kerstinfricke #michaelbeck #panini #petergrant
Hat wer bei @buchstodon "Die Füchse von Hampstead Heath" gelesen und kann mir sagen, ob die Abigail Kamara Stories für ein jüngeres Publikum als die Peter Grant Reihe geschrieben sind?
#BenAaronovitch #AbigailKamara #buchstodon
#benaaronovitch #abigailkamara #buchstodon
Is #BenAaronovitch writing press releases for #SpaceX?
". . . one of Abigail's experiments suffered an unscheduled spontaneous disassembly."
- Ben Aaronovitch, "False Value," 2020
"SpaceX called it “a rapid unscheduled disassembly” — or, put another way, an explosion.."
- Daniel Victor and Kenneth Chang, "New York Times," 4/20/23
14. It’s just a nice, cosy series that would make a great Sunday evening tv show. #AmReading #2023books #RiversOfLondon #BenAaronovitch
#amreading #2023books #RiversofLondon #benaaronovitch
@polly Currently sharing shelf space with our Robert Jordan books are fantasy authors Trudi Canavan and Brandon Saunderson. A fellow Pratchett fan turned author I also highly rate and recommend is Ben Aaronovitch.
#TrudiCanavan #BrandonSaunderson #BenAaronovitch
#TrudiCanavan #brandonsaunderson #benaaronovitch
I managed to read six books in January, a record for me I think.
Broken Homes -Ben Aaronovitch
Foxglove Summer - Ben Aaronovitch
What Abigail Did That Summer - Ben Aaronovitch
The Furthest Station - Ben Aaronovitch
The October Man - Ben Aaronovitch
Fifty Words For Snow - Nancy Campbell.
My favourite word being Hundslappadrífa, an Icelandic word, meaning snowflakes as large as dogs' paws.
On a roll with the Rivers of London (Peter Grant) series.
#Books #Bookstodon #BenAaronovitch #NancyCampbell
#books #bookstodon #benaaronovitch #NancyCampbell
More at #https://controllingthetransmissions.blogspot.com/2023/01/books-false-value-by-ben-aaronovitch.html
#booksreadin2023 #falsevalue #benaaronovitch #petergrant #thefolly #magic #Maryengine #differenceengine #adalovelace #charlesbabbage
#https #booksreadin2023 #falsevalue #benaaronovitch #petergrant #thefolly #magic #maryengine #differenceengine #adalovelace #charlesbabbage
Further to my #introduction , some #Interests
#FiftySomething #Dad #Daughters #Dog #Music #Literature #Film #Humanities #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Cornwall #StIves #Kernow #Jazz #DoctorWho #ProgressiveRock #Metal #Electronica #History #Philosophy #Art #Swimming #HealthyEating #IntermittentFasting #Nutrition #Walking #AlanGarner #BenAaronovitch #RiversOfLondon #CelticFolklore #ScottishBorn #CornishRaised #Lossiemouth #Outdoors #Home #Family
#introduction #interests #fiftysomething #dad #daughters #dog #music #literature #film #humanities #scifi #sciencefiction #cornwall #stives #kernow #jazz #doctorwho #progressiverock #metal #electronica #history #philosophy #art #swimming #healthyeating #intermittentfasting #nutrition #walking #alangarner #benaaronovitch #riversoflondon #celticfolklore #scottishborn #cornishraised #lossiemouth #outdoors #home #family
I just started reading Foxglove Summer by Ben Aaronovitch (book 5 in the Rivers of London series) and found this wonderful dedication. #Books #Bookstodon #BenAaronovitch #TerryPratchett
#books #bookstodon #benaaronovitch #terrypratchett
The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch https://www.themself.org/2017/12/furthest-station-aaronovitch-review/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #benaaronovitch #bookreview #fiction #petergrant #thefolly #urbanfantasy
#urbanfantasy #thefolly #petergrant #fiction #bookreview #benaaronovitch
https://www.themself.org/2014/10/reader-perspectives/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #bechdeltest #benaaronovitch #charlesstross #corydoctorow #davideddings #elizabethmoon #johnscalzi #neilgaiman #terrypratchett #vattaswar
#vattaswar #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #johnscalzi #elizabethmoon #davideddings #corydoctorow #charlesstross #benaaronovitch #bechdeltest
@bigbeardedbookseller Whispers Under Ground - Ben Aaronovitch. Book 3 of the Rivers of London series. #BenAaronovitch #RiversOfLondon
#benaaronovitch #RiversofLondon
A great new video by Jon and Gavin at Dalek 63:88 on the creation of the Special Weapons Dalek from 1988’s ‘Remembrance of the Daleks’ which reappeared in 11th and 12th Doctor stories… https://youtu.be/pAeqxp0SAbM #DoctorWho #Dalek #BBCTV #RemembranceOfTheDaleks #TerryNationArmy #TerryNation #DalekBuilding #BenAaronovitch
#doctorwho #dalek #bbctv #remembranceofthedaleks #TerryNationArmy #terrynation #DalekBuilding #benaaronovitch
A great new video by Jon and Gavin at Dalek 63:88 on the creation of the Special Weapons Dalek from 1988’s ‘Remembrance of the Daleks’ which reappeared in 11th and 12th Doctor stories… https://youtu.be/pAeqxp0SAbM #DoctorWho #Dalek #BBCTV #RemembranceOfTheDaleks #TerryNationsArmy #TerryNation #DalekBuilding #BenAaronovitch
#doctorwho #dalek #bbctv #remembranceofthedaleks #TerryNationsArmy #terrynation #DalekBuilding #benaaronovitch
I’m curious, has anyone played @Chaosium #BasicRoleplayingSystem? What do you think of it? As a long time fan of #BenAaronovitch #RiversOfLondon I’ve noticed the #RPG is out on #drivethruRPG https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/417715/Rivers-of-London-The-Roleplaying-Game?affiliate_id=1664462
#drivethruRPG #RPG #riversoflondon #benaaronovitch #BasicRoleplayingSystem
I’m curious, has anyone played #chaosium #BasicRoleplayingSystem? What do you think of it?
As a long time fan of #BenAaronovitch #RiversOfLondon I’ve noticed the #RPG is out on #drivethruRPG
#drivethruRPG #RPG #riversoflondon #benaaronovitch #BasicRoleplayingSystem #chaosium
Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch [Book https://www.themself.org/2018/12/lies-sleeping-ben-aaronovitch-review/?utm_source=ReviveOldPost&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost #benaaronovitch #bookreview #fiction #petergrant #thefolly #urbanfantasy
#urbanfantasy #thefolly #petergrant #fiction #bookreview #benaaronovitch
Today has been a lovely lazy Sunday.
#LazySunday #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #TortoiseshellCats #tortie #reading #amreading #WhispersUnderGround #BenAaronovitch #books #bookworm #ReadingForPleasure
#lazysunday #catsofmastodon #cats #TortoiseshellCats #Tortie #reading #amreading #WhispersUnderGround #benaaronovitch #books #bookworm #readingforpleasure
Pt 2 of my #reading #books list, focused on #fantasy and #scifi authors I enjoy:
#tolkien #BenAaronovitch #GuyAdams #JodiTaylor #PatriciaMorrison #John Birmingham #JohnRingo #EricFlint #DavidWeber #DavidDrake #LarryCorreia #LEModesitt #TaylorAnderson #TravisTaylor #KatharineKerr #RaymondFeist #TomKratman #DavidGemmell #Dragonlance #StephenDonaldson #NaomiNovik #RMMeluch #DavidEddings #KevinHearne #TerryBrooks #KatherineKurtz #RobertJordan #StephenLawhead #TadWilliams #JackCampell #SMStirling
#reading #books #fantasy #scifi #tolkien #benaaronovitch #guyadams #joditaylor #patriciamorrison #john #johnringo #ericflint #davidweber #daviddrake #larrycorreia #lemodesitt #tayloranderson #travistaylor #katharinekerr #raymondfeist #tomkratman #davidgemmell #dragonlance #stephendonaldson #naominovik #rmmeluch #davideddings #kevinhearne #terrybrooks #katherinekurtz #robertjordan #stephenlawhead #tadwilliams #jackcampell #smstirling