Third spruce tree on the left · @tezoatlipoca
346 followers · 2158 posts · Server

A few weeks ago I wrote about the (then) upcoming of election. How there was the Bencher Good Governance Coalition, who want to be *good* lawyers and promote EDI and outreach and inclusion and stuff.

vs. the Stop-SOP anti-woke, anti-EDI crew who hate being told they can't be racist -phobes.

Well, TL;DR - the good guys won. goodness is back on the menu in Ontario legal circles. But the Stoppers are still scheming.

#woke #edi #bencher #ontario #society #law #LSO

Last updated 1 year ago

Third spruce tree on the left · @tezoatlipoca
256 followers · 1282 posts · Server

There is a vicious battle going on in circles that no one (who isn't a ) knows about. The "We want to be better lawyers and humans" Bencher Good Governance Coalition vs. the Stop SOP team. aka "Team Racist Sexist Hatephobe Dickholes".

If you know a lawyer or paralegal in Ontario remind them to vote in their bencher election. Voting ends Friday! Don't let the Dickhole lawyers win again!

#bencher #LSO #bggc #lawyer #legal #ontario

Last updated 2 years ago

Kelvin n0mql EN35ld · @kelvin0mql
113 followers · 1157 posts · Server

It's been a few years since I tried to tap anything but "TEST" and my callsign into my and I figured it was time to at least knock the rust off the main characters.

I thought I'd forget several. Started tapping out the story of the quick brown fox, and though I stumbled quite a bit, I remembered all the characters... until the 'Y' in 'LAZY'.


Had to look at

#bencher #iambicpaddles #morsecode #HamRadio

Last updated 2 years ago

Kelvin n0mql EN35ld · @kelvin0mql
109 followers · 1014 posts · Server

Did the adjustments in my shack (which is also my day job desk) so that I can see & easily adjust the radios. Bonus, my keyer has not only a more comfortable position, but it doesnโ€™t move, because ALL the radios are pushing down on it.

#ergonomics #HamRadio #bencher #iambicPaddle #morsecode

Last updated 2 years ago

I need some help finding a remote setup where I can run my keys from . For now I can run macros but want to connect my old ๐Ÿ˜
Any suggestions are welcome!

#morse #remote #HameRadio #bencher #linux #cw

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim · @N4JAW
585 followers · 409 posts · Server
Jim · @N4JAW
584 followers · 405 posts · Server

"I will not buy another radio". I will not buy another . I HOPE? Couldn't help myself with this one. It was calling my name. "Jim, Buy me!

#hamradio #amateurradio #cwop #cwops #morsecode #cw #straightkey #bencher #telegraphkey

Last updated 2 years ago