Chariots of Fire (1981)

⭐ Ben Cross, Ian Charleson, Cheryl Campbell, Alice Krige, Nigel Havers, Ian Holm

🎥 Hugh Hudson

🌍 The Oval Leisure Centre, Wirral, England 🇬🇧

#chariotsoffire #hughhudson #bencross #iancharleson #cherylcampbell #alicekrige #nigelhavers #ianholm #theovalleisurecentre #wirral #england

Last updated 2 years ago

Elysia Macht · @ElysiaMacht
228 followers · 20759 posts · Server

The time E. saw & met , , , and .

Also known as e.g. , 'That guy from , Chernobyl or Eastenders', " & Abel do for ya?" as well as human Dalek Sec and the best Doctor of them all.

Actually 2 times, bc Cross, Ferns + Bhaskar did ART the first summer. A year later Cross, Ferns, Loren + Martin were in Coyote on a Fence.

I'm so hipster I pick my fave actors when I see them on stage, dontchaknow? 😉


#bencross #alexferns #sanjeevbhaskar #ericloren #jomartin #sarek #andor #goodnessgraciousme #doctorwho

Last updated 2 years ago

Danmc2 · @danmcginn
8 followers · 83 posts · Server

FIRE STARTER: Like Ridley Scott and Alan Parker, 'Chariots of Fire' director Hugh Hudson cut his filmmaking teeth making commercials. However he would also play an important role in elevating British cinema on the world stage.  Paste the link now to catch the Pomona review ..                  

#britishfilms #hughhudson #chariotsoffire #greystoke #tarzan #IanHolm #colinfirth #bencross #iancharleson #revolution #AlPacino #donaldsutherland #maryamdabo #davidputtnam

Last updated 2 years ago

Will McKinley · @willmckinley
890 followers · 604 posts · Server

"Misfit roles seem to seek me out. I always seem to play people not totally at home.”

(1947–2020) would have been 75 today.

The star of (1981), the 2009 (as Spock’s father), the 1991 (as Barnabas Collins) and much more was a familiar face for 50 years.

#botd #bornonthisday #darkshadows #startrek #ChariotsofFire #bencross

Last updated 2 years ago