Beckham's not coming back from this he's forever going to be that prick who took the money and blocked the gay Qatari - he's a joke #benderslikebeckham
If you've held more issue with Joe Lycett shredding £10,000 than David Beckham being paid £10,000,000 to tell everyone how 'good' Qatar is, then you're part of the problem #benderslikeBeckham
If you've held more issue with Joe Lycett shredding £10,000 than David Beckham being paid £10,000,000 to tell everyone how 'good' Qatar is, then you're part of the problem #benderslikeBeckham
The fact this very conversation is happening - on here, on other social media, in old school media, on TV etc - means homophobia is being widely discussed (and largely condemned.) It has certainly helped to highlight the issue. Well worth £10k IMHO. #benderslikeBeckham
Thank you for raising awareness Joe Lycett 🌈 I have just joined Stonewall #ProudStadium to stand with the LGBTQ+ community in Qatar
Show your support:…
#AttitudeMagazine #NottsLGBTNetwork #benderslikeBeckham #joelycett
#ProudStadium #attitudemagazine #NottsLGBTNetwork #benderslikebeckham #JoeLycett
Joe Lycett is a national treasure
#Qatar #DavidBeckham #HumanRights #WorldCup #BendersLikeBeckham
Previous videos, for context -
1) The challenge - (sorry, couldn't find it on YouTube!)
2) The shredding -
The website -
#qatar #davidbeckham #humanrights #worldcup #benderslikebeckham
#DFB, #FA, #FFF would leave the #FIFA immediately if they had any shred of moral crumps left. I assume, they are just #benderslikebeckham
#dfb #fa #fff #fifa #benderslikebeckham
You've got to admire Joe Lycett's courage--and style ;)
#fifaworldcup #benderslikebeckham #humanrights
RT Oh dear, Gary Neville.
This is not a good look.
Not a good look at all.
Top move by here!
But we're going to have to do something about that #benderslikeBeckham hashtag.
If you feel uncomfortable about Joe Lycett shredding £10,000, that’s exactly the point.
It’s a statement on discomfort and money: at Qatar’s oppression of gay people and David Beckham profiting from them.
It’s performance art. It’s supposed to make you feel. #benderslikeBeckham
Call me a cynic, but the positive attention given for waiting in a queue a few weeks ago was probably judged as a good antidote to any adverse publicity now. #BendersLikeBeckham 🤷♀️😒
The fact this very conversation is happening - on here, on other social media, in old school media, on TV etc - means homophobia is being widely discussed (and largely condemned.) It has certainly helped to highlight the issue. Well worth £10k IMHO. #benderslikeBeckham
Just in case anyone was in doubt of the human cost of demonising minoritised groups and making out that we are lesser than 👇
And people handwringing over Joe Lycett shredding his money after Beckham's hypocrisy
#FIFAWorldCup #Qatar2022 #LGBTQ #HumanRights #benderslikeBeckham
#fifaworldcup #qatar2022 #lgbtq #humanrights #benderslikebeckham
If you feel uncomfortable about Joe Lycett shredding £10,000, that’s exactly the point.
It’s a statement on discomfort and money: at Qatar’s oppression of gay people and David Beckham profiting from them.
It’s performance art. It’s supposed to make you feel. #benderslikeBeckham
My first post is topical #BoycottQatar2022 #InfantinoOut #benderslikeBeckham @FIFAcom
#BoycottQatar2022 #infantinoout #benderslikebeckham
David Beckham is taking £10 million to add to his HALF A BILLION NET WORTH. Money he does not need from a regime who deem same-sex activity illegal, possibly punishable by death...
Yet you're annoyed at LGTBQ comedian for shredding 10k in protest. get a grip #benderslikeBeckham
If you've held more issue with Joe Lycett shredding £10,000 than David Beckham being paid £10,000,000 to tell everyone how 'good' Qatar is, then you're part of the problem #benderslikeBeckham
If you've held more issue with Joe Lycett shredding £10,000 than David Beckham being paid £10,000,000 to tell everyone how 'good' Qatar is, then you're part of the problem #benderslikeBeckham
Everyone crying over Joe Lycett, every charity spends a chunk of their budget on marketing/PR. He's achieved far more than 10ks worth. And it would've gone to charity if Beckham wasn't a hypocritical greedy twat. It's not hard to look at the bigger picture. #benderslikeBeckham