@helgenug @smic @tagesschau @guardiannews
Eins noch: Der Artikel ist auch sonst hinsichtlich seiner Beurteilung des "#liberalen #Antirassismus" mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Wenn da steht, dass #Ruth #Benedict und #Magnus #Hirschfeld daran interessiert gewesen wären, den Aufstieg des Nationalsozialismus in den 1930er Jahren zu verstehen, dann muss man sich doch fragen, warum sie ihre Sache derart schlecht gemacht haben, warum sie sich derart geweigert haben, zu tun, was sie vorhatten.
#liberalen #antirassismus #ruth #benedict #magnus #hirschfeld
Benedict raping his nephew :numbuh_1: #Knd #codenamekidsnextdoor #cartoonetwork #benedictuno #benedict #numbuh1 #nigeluno #uncle #unclenephew #nephew #incest #agedifference #agegap #doodle #shota #shotacon #rape #abuse
#knd #codenamekidsnextdoor #cartoonetwork #benedictuno #benedict #numbuh1 #nigeluno #uncle #UncleNephew #nephew #incest #agedifference #agegap #doodle #shota #shotacon #rape #abuse
[Reminder] Women at #war face sexual violence from their fellow men (from Helen #Benedict's book): http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8005198.stm #iraq
Their behavior is parallel to the behavior of a bunch of Catholic academics and journalists, almost all white men, whom I see saying in the wake of Pope Benedict's death that, well, maybe canonizing him now might be unwise — but I did, after all, have my students reading him for years and I cited him as a cherished authority figure in my commentary.
All the while claiming I stand with the same LGBTQ human beings he was characterizing as intrinsically disordered….
#Benedict XVI
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Until it’s published in English, this should provide the highlights of Gäsnwein’s new book on Pope Benedict. #ideacon #catholic #benedict
‘Nothing but the Truth’: A reader’s guide to Archbishop Gänswein’s memoir https://www.pillarcatholic.com/nothing-but-the-truth-a-readers-guide-to-archbishop-gansweins-memoir/
"When the Milwaukee Archdiocese filed bankruptcy for roughly 8,000 incidents of child sexual abuse, Benedict approved a widely-considered fraudulent transfer of $60 million dollars at the request of then Milwaukee Archbishop, Cardinal Timothy Dolan. According to a secret letter to the Vatican, Dolan initiated the transfer to avoid compensating victims by US courts."
#Benedict XVI #SexualAbuse #Milwaukee
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#benedict #SexualAbuse #milwaukee
"In 2010, this became a global headline when documents and evidence concerning Father Murphy, Archbishop Weakland, and Cardinal Ratzinger were delivered to the New York Times.
The case of Father Murphy was not the only direct impact Benedict had on the Milwaukee Archdiocese."
#Benedict XVI #SexualAbuse #Milwaukee
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#benedict #SexualAbuse #milwaukee
"In a 1998 letter, Weakland wrote that he worked with Pope Benedict, then Cardinal Ratzinger in Rome, to 'protect Murphy’s good name' by concealing his criminal activity from the public. As head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith at the time, Ratzinger ruled that Murphy would remain a priest. Weakland explained, 'so far we have succeeded in preserving his reputation.'”
#Benedict XVI #SexualAbuse #Milwaukee
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#benedict #SexualAbuse #milwaukee
Nate's Mission discuss cases in which Pope Benedict was directly involved in covering up sexual abuse of minors in the archdiocese of Milwaukee. They write,
"The most notorious of these cases is undoubtedly that of Father Lawrence Murphy, who admitted to former Archbishop Weakland that he raped and sexually assaulted over 200 deaf children while operating St. John’s School for the Deaf."
#Benedict XVI #SexualAbuse #Milwaukee
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#benedict #SexualAbuse #milwaukee
https://www.fulcrum-anglican.org.uk/articles/pope-benedict-xvi-a-reflection-by-n-t-wright/ #Bishop Tom Wright writes perceptively and personally about #Pope #Benedict XVI for Fulcrum.
Irish #Catholic priest Bernárd Lynch published a letter via We Are Church #Ireland, where he said #Benedict had a “hostility” to #LGBTQ+ people and “most significantly to those living and dying with #HIV / #AIDS.”
“I saw the devastating consequences of his teachings.”
#catholic #Ireland #benedict #lgbtq #hiv #aids
I know I was surprised to see this when I first viewed the video. Fact is we don’t know why communion was denied, but it seems reasonable that the Vatican would comment. #catholic #benedict #ideacon
💬 @pillarcatholic: https://berserker.town/@pillarcatholic/109643051861548905
Wexler quotes Marianne Duddy-Burke of DignityUSA, who states that Benedict
"forced our [LGBTQ] community out of Catholic churches, tore families apart, silenced our supporters, and even cost lives. He refused to recognize even the most basic human rights for LGBTQIA+ people. Many of us experienced the most harsh and blatant religiously justified discrimination of our lives as a result of his policies."
#Benedict XVI #misogyny #homophobia
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#benedict #misogyny #homophobia
"His church not only didn't give more power to women; it actively tried to suppress them.
In 2012, his Vatican chastised U.S. nuns for being influenced by 'radical feminism,' and for purportedly straying from U.S. bishops' positions on homosexuality and women's ordination. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious was placed under the supervision of three conservative American bishops for its 'serious doctrinal problems.'"
#Benedict XVI #misogyny #homophobia
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#benedict #misogyny #homophobia
She writes,
"Nicknamed 'God's Rottweiler' for his zeal in 24 years at the head of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, whose roots date back to the Inquisition, he not only opposed the ordination of women to the priesthood but claimed the ban could never be lifted.
As pope, he fired an Australian bishop for merely suggesting that ordaining women might to be a good way to address the shortage of male priests."
#Benedict XVI #misogyny #homophobia
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#benedict #misogyny #homophobia
Celia Viggo Wexler urges her fellow Catholics who might now promote the cult of Pope Benedict (i.e., push for his canonization) to consider first all the harm he did to the church and its people. She notes that while he continued the cover-up of sexual abuse that he could have addressed directly, he had no problem acting to use church teaching to knock women down and attack LGBTQ people.
#Benedict XVI #misogyny #homophobia
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#benedict #misogyny #homophobia
RT @PeterTatchell@twitter.com
Catholic priest #BernardLynch condemns #PopeBenedict: During AIDS crisis, #Benedict opposed condom use, forced AIDS organisations out of church property & declared that LGBTs were not entitled to human rights. Result: many suicides
@DignityUSA@twitter.com @1Body1Faith@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PeterTatchell/status/1610992116997537797
#bernardlynch #popebenedict #benedict
#SamCast for 1/5/23
1. #Congress Pressure increases on McCarthy to do something
2. #Congress How the standoff could end
3. #Benedict Funeral
4. #Batteries made from trees
#samcast #Congress #benedict #batteries #News