Il potere del cane: due facce della stessa medaglia, un deficit di empatia. Due cause diverse, le cui strade collidono in un ranch nel Montana all'inizio del Novecento, tra polvere e sterco di cavallo; dove non c'è posto per i conigli non ce n'è neanche per ambivalenti rapporti tra uomini, e l'ingresso di una donna non è certo accolto nei modi migliori. #BenedictCumberbatch da cattivo, ma in inedita campestre (il taglio degli occhi aiuta parecchio nel genere di ruolo imho).
#benedictcumberbatch #cinema #mastocinema
#HappyBirthdayBenedictCumberbatch #BenedictCumberbatch #DoctorStrange
My favorite role of him is Doctor Strange! Super!!!!🤩
#doctorstrange #benedictcumberbatch #happybirthdaybenedictcumberbatch
Happy Birthday Benedict!! 💜❤️💙 #BenedictCumberbatch #MarkRuffalo #RobertDowneyJr #MysticScience #HappyBirthdayBenedictCumberbatch #MyEdits @MarkRuffalo
#myedits #happybirthdaybenedictcumberbatch #mysticscience #robertdowneyjr #markruffalo #benedictcumberbatch
#HappyBirthdayBenedictCumberbatch #BenedictCumberbatch
#benedictcumberbatch #happybirthdaybenedictcumberbatch
Gizmodo: Shang-Chi 2 Delayed as Marvel's Plans Keep Falling Apart #draftuntitledshangchiandthelegendofthetenringssequel #marvelcinematicuniversephasefour #entertainmentculture #benedictcumberbatch #captainmarvel #doctorstrange #bravenewworld #marvelstudios #caroldanvers #multiverse #moonknight #ironheart #shangchi #avengers #infinity #simuliu #knight #disney #kree #chi
#draftuntitledshangchiandthelegendofthetenringssequel #marvelcinematicuniversephasefour #entertainmentculture #benedictcumberbatch #captainmarvel #doctorstrange #bravenewworld #marvelstudios #caroldanvers #multiverse #moonknight #ironheart #shangchi #avengers #infinity #simuliu #knight #disney #kree #chi
En una reciente entrevista el actor #BenedictCumberbatch ha dicho que volverá como #DoctorStrange en 2024 para un proyecto el cual no ha revelado! Se especula que pueda ser en #Blade dado su relación con las artes místicas!
#breakingnews #benedictcumberbatch #doctorstrange #blade #marvelstudios #ucm #mahershalaali
Ryan Reynolds unique preparation regime for Deadpool 3
#BenedictCumberbatch #CelebrityNews #ColonicIrrigation #gossip #RyanReynolds #satire
Excruciata Reees-Mog brings the latest celebrity news. Ryan Reynolds has a modern twist on colonic irrigation that is helping with his training. Benedict Cumberbatch says that he was misheard.
#benedictcumberbatch #celebritynews #colonicirrigation #gossip #ryanreynolds #satire
Ryan Reynolds unique preparation regime for Deadpool 3
#BenedictCumberbatch #CelebrityNews #ColonicIrrigation #gossip #RyanReynolds #satire
Excruciata Reees-Mog brings the latest celebrity news. Ryan Reynolds has a modern twist on colonic irrigation that is helping with his training. Benedict Cumberbatch says that he was misheard.
Hello my lovelies. Those of you who are a bit more matur
#benedictcumberbatch #celebritynews #colonicirrigation #gossip #ryanreynolds #satire
Zendaya, #BenedictCumberbatch y #JimCarrey encabezarán la nueva versión de acción en vivo de la película de 1992 #FernGully the Last Rain Forest
#benedictcumberbatch #jimcarrey #ferngully
Benedict Cumberbatch tem mansão invadida por chef com faca e sofre ameaças junto à família
#SophieHunter #InvasãoDePropriedade #Invasão #Crime #BenedictCumberbatch #ViNoInstagram #Famosos
#sophiehunter #invasaodepropriedade #invasao #crime #benedictcumberbatch #vinoinstagram #famosos
#BenedictCumberbatch to star in a six-part TV adaptation of #MattHaig 's bestseller, #HowToStopTime.
The genre-bending series (part #LoveStory, part #SpyThriller) is described as a high-stakes #superhero #thriller about men and women who suffer from a rare condition called anageria, which makes them live for hundreds of years.
#Cumberbatch plays Tom, a man who breaks the first rule of the underground society for those people with anageria: never fall in love.
#benedictcumberbatch #matthaig #howtostoptime #lovestory #spythriller #superhero #thriller #cumberbatch
I highly recommend all Traveller GMs listen to the BBC radio show Cabin Pressure. It’s got great examples of an independent crew trying to provide high passage. Except it’s a charter airline, but much of the dynamics apply.
And for extra fun I think it’s the most hilarious role Benedict Cumberbatch ever played.
#TTRPG #GMPrep #Traveller #CabinPressure #RadioDrama #BenedictCumberbatch
#ttrpg #gmprep #traveller #cabinpressure #radiodrama #benedictcumberbatch
Good morning! Happy Easter.
[Have you bit Benedict Cumberbunny's ears off yet?]
#mastodon #sunday
#easter #happyeaster #easterbunny
#bunnyDay #bunny #bunnies #rabbit #rabbits #BunniesOfMastodon #RabbitsOfMastodon
#SundayIsBunday #SundayBunday #funny
#mastodon #sunday #easter #happyeaster #easterbunny #bunnyDay #Bunny #bunnies #rabbit #rabbits #bunniesofmastodon #rabbitsofmastodon #sundayisbunday #sundaybunday #funny #benedictcumberbatch
Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller. #111Words #SherlockHolmes #ArthurConanDoyle #Sherlock #BenedictCumberbatch #Elementary #JonnyLeeMiller #LucyLiu
#lucyliu #JonnyLeeMiller #elementary #benedictcumberbatch #sherlock #arthurconandoyle #sherlockholmes #111words
„Die wundersame Welt des Louis Wain“ zeigt Benedict Cumberbatch in der Rolle des englischen Malers Louis Wain. In „#OMG“ lädt Moderatorin Jana Ina Zarrella wieder starke Frauen zum Talk ein. Der Film „The Tunnel“ zeigt ein realistisches Katastrophenszenario in Norwegen.
#omg #benedictcumberbatch #clairefoy #katastrophenfilm #talkshow
Benedict Cumberbatch reads a hilarious letter of apology.
#BenedictCumberbatch #humour