The shoestring gardener: 10 ways to grow gorgeous plants – for little or no money | Gardening advice | The Guardian
#WildlifeGardening #SustainableGardening #Gardening #BeneficialPlants #Gardeningonabudget #Rewilding #Wildaboutweeds
#wildaboutweeds #rewilding #gardeningonabudget #beneficialplants #Gardening #sustainablegardening #WildlifeGardening
#Indigenous #MedicinalPlants usage info:
#PlainsTribes used liatris to make teas; which were used to treat kidney, bladder, menstrual problems, water retention, gonorrhea, colic, sore throat & laryngitis illnesses. Mashed corm roots were applied to snake bites. Dry roots were burned like incense to relieve headaches, nosebleeds & tonsillitis.
#NativeMedicines #PlantMedicines #botanical #perennial #WildPlantUses #BeneficialPlants
#indigenous #medicinalplants #plainstribes #nativemedicines #plantmedicines #botanical #perennial #wildplantuses #beneficialplants