@evacide This is the most excellent play on “The Litany Against Fear” that I have ever read. Bravo! #BeneGesserit #Dune
"Some people never observe anything. Life just happens to them. They get by on little more than a kind of dumb persistence, and they resist with anger and resentment anything that might lift them out of that false serenity."
- Mother Superior Taraza
#Normalitätssimulation #Dune #BeneGesserit #Klimakatastrophe #Endgame
#endgame #klimakatastrophe #benegesserit #dune #normalitatssimulation
"Some people never observe anything. Life just happens to them. They get by on little more than a kind of dumb persistence, and they resist with anger and resentment anything that might lift them out of that false serenity."
- Mother Superior Taraza
#Normalitätssimulation #Dune #BeneGesserit #Klimakatastrophe #Endgame
#endgame #klimakatastrophe #benegesserit #dune #normalitatssimulation
Esta semana ha comenzado el rodaje de la serie DUNE: THE SISTERHOOD. Pero, ¿qué sabemos acerca del spinoff y precuela a las películas de Denis Villeneuve sobre el universo de Frank Herbert? Aquí toda la información: http://distopolis.com/que-sabemos-acerca-de-la-serie-dune-the-sisterhood-spinoff-y-precuela-a-las-peliculas-de-denis-villeneuve-sobre-el-universo-de-frank-herbert
#dune #thesisterhood #benegesserit
Fear is the Mindkiller
#BeneGesserit litany against fear. #Dune.
#lettercutting #dune #benegesserit
#larlet #blog "Cyborgs" #masculinité #pygmalions #machines #automates #femmes #cyborgs #BeneGesserit #cyborgs #mysogynie #contrôle ... https://larlet.fr/david/2021/12/13/
#larlet #blog #masculinité #pygmalions #machines #automates #femmes #cyborgs #benegesserit #mysogynie #contrôle
#larlet #blog "Cyborgs" #masculinité #pygmalions #machines #automates #femmes #cyborgs #BeneGesserit #cyborgs #mysogynie #contrôle ... https://larlet.fr/david/2021/12/13/
#contrôle #mysogynie #benegesserit #cyborgs #femmes #automates #machines #pygmalions #masculinité #blog #larlet
#numérama #popculture "Dune : une série HBO sur la puissante sororité Bene Gesserit est en préparation" #Dune #BeneGesserit #HBO #SérieTV #sororité ... https://www.numerama.com/pop-culture/740915-dune-une-serie-hbo-sur-la-puissante-sororite-bene-gesserit-est-en-preparation.html
#numérama #popculture #dune #benegesserit #hbo #sérietv #sororité
#numérama #popculture "Dune : une série HBO sur la puissante sororité Bene Gesserit est en préparation" #Dune #BeneGesserit #HBO #SérieTV #sororité ... https://www.numerama.com/pop-culture/740915-dune-une-serie-hbo-sur-la-puissante-sororite-bene-gesserit-est-en-preparation.html
#sororité #sérietv #hbo #benegesserit #dune #popculture #numérama
Thus spoke St. Alia-of-the-Knife: "The Reverend Mother must combine the seductive wiles of a courtesan with the untouchable majesty of a virgin goddess, holding these attributes in tension so long as the powers of her youth endure. For when youth and beauty have gone, she will find that the place-between, once occupied by tension, has become a wellspring of cunning and resourcefulness."
#dune #frankherbert #benegesserit #muaďib