Since we've watched a few #BenFogle documentaries recently we thought we'd give another one a go now that's just starting on Channel 5, looking at a place called Slab City or The Slabs, an off-grid community in #California
#theslabs #SlabCity #California #benfogle
Watching a #BenFogle thing on 5 Select, in the buffer zone on #Cyprus between the Greek and Turkish areas of the country. Absolutely fascinating to see some of the abandoned #architecture in #Nicosia. One for lovers of #brutalism as you can see from the clip here:
#lostworlds #urbex #brutalist #brutalism #nicosia #architecture #cyprus #benfogle
Just watched an episode of a #BenFogle #documentary mini-series on TV called #LostWorlds. It was taking a look at #Detroit, a bit of its history, the glory days, then after the factories closed down and the drugs moved in. It finished more positively on the urban farms and groups trying to revitalise the city. Some shocking imagery in there of block after block of abandoned or completely destroyed buildings and a fair bit of urban exploration. Interesting stuff.
#detroit #lostworlds #Documentary #benfogle
Over to more important subjects. I’ve enjoyed the #BenFogle series on people living “in the wild” but the recent one on Rhonda Mitra was an absolute con. Far from giving up her Hollywood lifestyle, she’s still working in films, not living without a visitor for three years. Her Instagram feed gives a lie to that. It was a good example in getting good PR, not good tv though [/cattiness]
For those interested to know more about life here at #TheHappyPig 🐷 , here's the 45 minute episode of #BenFogle's #Channel5 show #NewLivesInTheWild where he came to stay and hang out with #MarkBoyle:
Or here's a 4 minute taste of the place by actress and model #LilyCole:
More info at:
#gifteconomy #lilycole #markboyle #newlivesinthewild #channel5 #benfogle #thehappypig
For those interested to know more about life here at #TheHappyPig 🐷 , here's the 45 minute episode of #BenFogle's #Channel5 show #NewLivesInTheWild where he came to stay and hang out with #MarkBoyle:
Or a 4 minute taste of the place by actress and model #LilyCole, in which I appear:
More info at:
#Ireland #gifteconomy #lilycole #markboyle #newlivesinthewild #channel5 #benfogle #thehappypig
Good grief, I'm watching an old movie and the young, attractive lead actress is #BenFogle 's mum.