El 2 de julio de 1976 nace Benjamin Caron, director de los capítulos 7, 11 y 12 de Andor.
On July 2, 1976, Benjamin Caron, director of Andor chapters 7, 11 and 12, was born.
Film Review: SHARPER (2023): Benjamin Caron’s Film is Interesting and Has Plenty of Surprises and Tricks Up Its Sleeve
#FilmBook #MovieReview #A24 #AlessandroTanaka #Apple #BenjaminCaron #BlaiseCorrigan #BrianGatewood #BrianaMiddleton #DorisMcCarthy #GiullianYaoGioiello #HannahDunne #JohnLithgow #JulianneMoore #JusticeSmith #MovieReview #PatrickCooley #Ph
#filmbook #moviereview #a24 #alessandrotanaka #apple #benjamincaron #blaisecorrigan #briangatewood #brianamiddleton #dorismccarthy #giullianyaogioiello #hannahdunne #johnlithgow #juliannemoore #justicesmith #patrickcooley #ph
#AppleOriginalFilms hosted the world premiere of #SharperMovie today in London.
Stars #JulianneMoore, #SebastianStan, #JusticeSmith, #BrianaMiddleton, director #BenjaminCaron, and more attended the event.
The film premieres in theaters February 10, and on #AppleTVPlus February 17.
#appletvplus #benjamincaron #brianamiddleton #justicesmith #sebastianstan #juliannemoore #sharpermovie #appleoriginalfilms
SHARPER (2023) Movie Trailer: Julianne Moore & John Lithgow star in Benjamin Caron’s Family Crime Thriller
#FilmBook #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #AppleTVPlus #BenjaminCaron #BriannaMiddleton #DarrenGoldstein #JohnLithgow #JulianneMoore #JusticeSmith #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #SebastianStan #Sharper
#filmbook #movieposter #movietrailer #appletvplus #benjamincaron #briannamiddleton #darrengoldstein #johnlithgow #juliannemoore #justicesmith #sebastianstan #sharper
Also, props to the sound designer. The thrusters sound effect was sick (David Acord?). Not to mention those bomblet things.
Also that horizontal panning shot from the Luthen's ship to the Imperial patrol as the bomblets travel — so good.
#davidacord #benjamincaron #SciFi #sounddesign #andor