"Nose is a Nose is a Nose", LCSNA Knight Letter (https://www.facebook.com/LCSNA/) № 99, Fall 2017, p. 30~31
※ Article: https://archive.org/details/knightletterno9929lewi/page/n33/mode/2up.
※ PDF with additional images: https://snrk.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Nose_is_a_Nose_is_a_Nose_OCR.pdf
※ Related blog page: https://snrk.de/knight-letter-links/kl-fall2017/
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #lewiscarroll #HenryHoliday #MarcusGheeraerts #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #theimagebreakers #iconoclasm #noses #nose #williamsidneymount #boneplayer #benjaminduchenne #charlesdarwin #theexpressionofemotions
Footnotes on page 199 in chapter 7 of #MarysaDemoor‘s book "A Cross-Cultural History of Britain and Belgium, 1815-1918: Mudscapes and Artistic Entanglements", Springer Nature / Palgrave, 2022-03-21.
Why didn't Marysa Demoor specify her source? It's my article “Nose is a Nose is a Nose” in the “#KnightLetter”, № 99, Fall 2017, p. 30~31.
Details: https://snrk.de/mudscapes-and-artistic-entanglements/
#MarcusGheeraertsTheElder #HenryHoliday #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #WilliamSidneyMount #BenjaminDuchenne
#TheHuntingOfTheSnark #marysademoor #KnightLetter #HenryHoliday #williamsidneymount #benjaminduchenne #MarcusGheeraertsTheElder